ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N3013

Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 12:24:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: William Rinehuls <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
cc: keld simonsen <[email protected]>
Subject: REVISED SC22 N3013 - Resolutions of SC22 Plenary, September 20-23, 1999 

(Note:  The only change in this revision is to correct the vote of the
United States of American Member Body on Resolution 99-10.  The remainder
of the document remains unchanged.)

__________________ beginning of title page _______________________________
Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


Resolutions Prepared at the Twelfth Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22
on September 20-23, 1999 in Berlin Germany


Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22








N3011, N3012, N3014


Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Telephone:  +1 (703) 9129-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]

_______________ end of title page; beginning of resolutions _____________

        Resolutions Prepared at the Twelfth Plenary Meeting of
                          ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22
                            Berlin, Germany
  Resolution 99-1:   Approval of SC22 Work Program
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the revised SC22 Program of Work detailed
  in document SC22 N3016.

  Resolution 99-2:  SC22 Business Plan
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the SC22 Business Plan contained in
  document SC22 N3007.

  Resolution 99-3:  Extension of Trial Period for Normative Referencing
                    of Specifications Other Than International Standards
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves document SC22 N3008 as its response to the
  request from ISO/IEC JTC 1 for comments on extending the trial period
  for normative referencing of specifications other than International
  Standards and directs the SC22 Secretariat to forward this response to

  Resolution 99-4:  Metrics of JTC 1 Accomplishments
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves document SC22 N2970 as its response to the 
  request from ISO/IEC JTC 1 for contributions detailing methods for
  measuring the effectiveness of ISO/IEC JTC 1 accomplishments and directs
  the SC22 Secretariat to forward this response to ISO/IEC JTC 1.

  Resolution 99-5:  Disposition of Comments Reports
  Recognizing that Disposition of Comments Reports should adequately
  address the resolution of comments provided with votes on SC22 and JTC 1
  ballots. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 reminds its Working Groups of the
  requirements in the JTC 1 Directives on the preparation of Disposition 
  of Comments Reports, in particular that:
  1) Comments which are not accepted must be accompanied by the rationale
     for non-acceptance; and
  2) Comments which are accepted "in principle" (i.e., where the exact
     wording of the suggestion is not incorporated) should be accompanied
     by either the exact wording which was used to satisfy the comment or
     a rationale sufficient to ensure that the balloter can understand
     the changes that are being made based on the comment.

  Resolution 99-6:  Participation of O Members in SC22 Working Groups
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 requests ISO/IEC JTC 1 to permit participation in
  SC22 working groups by O members of SC22; and
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 instructs its Secretariat to convey this request
  along with the rationale contained in SC22 N3010 to ISO/IEC JTC 1.

  Resolution 99-7:  Initiation of FCD Ballots
  Recognizing that additional time and expense may be incurred when
  dealing with Final CD ballots,

  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 provides the following guidance to its Working  
  Groups when deciding whether to submit a document for CD or FCD ballot:
  Until there is wide acceptance that all major technical issues have
  been resolved, a document should not be forwarded for FCD ballot.
  Only documents which have a high probability of being progressed to
  FDIS processing  on the next ballot, should be brought forward for FCD
  Resolution 99-8:  Request to Make ISO/IEC 16509 Freely Available
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the request from the ballot resolution
  group for DIS 16509 (Year 2000 Terminology) that ISO/IEC 16509 be made
  freely available and directs the SC22 Secretariat to immediately forward
  this request to ISO/IEC JTC 1 along with the rationale contained in
  document SC22 N2944.
  Resolution 99-9:  ISO ITTF Editorial Changes to SC22 Technical Reports
  ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 requests ISO ITTF to provide any recommended
  editorial changes to SC22 Technical Reports to the SC22 Secretariat for
  review and approval during the JTC 1 ballot period, if possible, but in
  any case prior to finalization of the TR for publication.
  Resolution 99-10:  Extension of Java (TM) Study Group (JSG) Study Period
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 extends the study period of the Java (TM) Study
  Group (JSG) until the 2000 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Plenary.  The charter of
  the JSG shall be to investigate potential approaches for Java-related
  standardization; to consider appropriate New Work Item proposals;
  to serve as SC22's expert on Java-related matters; to support the SC22
  liaison to the Java standardization efforts in ECMA TC41; and to prepare
  a written report to the next SC22 Plenary.
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 reappoints Dr. Robert Mathis as Convener of the
  Java Study Group. 

  Resolution 99-11: Withdrawal of WG3 Projects
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the withdrawal of the following projects if
  the documents being developed under these projects have not been
  forwarded to the SC22 Secretariat for registration ballot by January 1,
  JTC   Character Repertoire for APL
  JTC   Character Repertoire for Extended APL.

  Resolution 99-12:  Termination of Project JTC
  Noting that Project JTC has exceeded the statutory time for
  proceeding from NP to CD stage, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 withdraws Project 
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 notes, however:
  1. The scope of the Project JTC 1.22.29 continues to include work
     related to the Vienna Development  Method/Specification Modules;
  2. Member Bodies interested in furthering this work are invited to
     continue their efforts; and
  3. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 is willing to consider a new subdivision of
     Project JTC 1.22.29 when there are sufficient indications of
     interest and activity.

  Resolution 99-13:  Approval of WG20 Liaisons
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the request from WG20 for liaison with ISO
  TC 46/SC2 (Conversion of Written Languages) noting the Statement of
  Mutual Benefits and Responsibilities for this liaison contained in
  document SC22 N2922.
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the request from WG20 for Category C
  Liaison with the World Wide Web Consortium and directs the SC22
  Secretariat to forward this request to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for approval, along
  with the Statement of Mutual Benefits and Responsibilities for
  liaison contained in document SC22 N2923.

  Resolution 99-14:  Extension of Schedule for Project JTC 
  Recognizing that a combination of factors has arisen delaying the
  completion of the revision of ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997 as detailed in
  document SC22 N2942, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the extension by two
  years for completion of this revision until 2004.
  Resolution 99-15:  Approval for Concurrent Registration and Ballot
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves:
  Concurrent PDTR registration and PDTR ballots for Projects JTC (Floating Point Exception Handling Technical Report Type
  2) and JTC (Enhanced Data Type Facilities Technical Report
  Type 2);
  Concurrent CD registration and CD Ballot for Project JTC 1.22.18011
  (POSIX Realtime Distributed Systems API (Language Independent) (C
  Language and Ada Language) and JTC1.22.15897 (Procedures for the
  Registration of Cultural Elements)

  Resolution 99-16:  Withdrawal of Projects
  Recognizing that development activity has been discontinued; ISO/IEC
  JTC 1/SC22 approves the withdrawal of the Projects JTC and
  JTC, as requested by SC22/WG15:
  Resolution 99-17:  Retention of Project Not Reaching CD Stage Within
                     Three Years of NP: Project JTC 1.22.34 
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 notes that while project JTC 1.22.34 has exceeded
  the statutory time for proceeding from NP to CD stage, this project has
  shown significant progress and there is reason to suppose that it will
  be completed; and
  Having reviewed the situation, SC22 accepts the explanation that has
  been presented for the need for further time in the case of this project; 
  Ther efore, SC22 authorizes the extension by one year of the time
  permitted for proceeding from the NP to the CD stage for Project JTC

  Resolution 99-18:  Retention of Project Not Reaching DIS Stage Within
                     Four Years of Reaching CD Stage
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 notes that Project JTC 1.22.41 has exceeded the
  statutory time for proceeding from CD to DIS Stage.  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22
  notes, however, that significant progress has been made on the project
  and there is no reason to suppose that it will not be completed.
  Therefore, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 authorizes the extension by one year of
  the time permitted for proceeding from the CD to the DIS stage for
  Project JTC 1.22.41.

  Resolution 99-19:  Standards for Periodic Review
  a. Recommends that the following standards be confirmed:
          ISO/IEC 6160:1979 - Programming Language PL/I
          ISO/IEC 7185:1990 - Programming Language Pascal
          ISO/IEC 8652:1995 - Programming Language Ada
          ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 - Prolog, Part 1
  b. Recommends that the following standard be withdrawn:
          ISO/IEC 12227:1995 - SQL Ada Module Description Language

  Resolution 99-20: Appointments/Reappointments of SC22 Working Group
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the following appointments of SC22 Working
  Group Conveners:
  Dr. John Reid as Convener of WG5 (pending confirmation from the United
  Kingdom Member Body).
  Mr. Willem Wakker as Convener of WG11 (pending confirmation from the
  Netherlands Member Body).
  Mr. Martin Schoenhacker as Convener of WG13 (pending confirmation from
  the Austria Member Body).
  Mr. John Benito as Convener of WG14 (pending confirmation from the USA
  Member Body).
  Mr. Pierre Parquier as Convener of WG16.
  Mr. Jonathan Hodgson as Convener of WG 17 (pending confirmation from
  the USA Member Body).
  Mr. Arnold Winkler as Convener of WG20.
  Dr. Tom Plum as Convener of WG21 (pending confirmation from the USA
  Member Body).

  Resolution 99-21:  Appointment of Project Editors
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 approves the following appointments as SC22 Project 
  Mr. Arnold Winkler as Project Editor for Project JTC
  (Amendment 1 to TR 10176).
  Mr. Roger Scowen as Project Editor for Project JTC (Prolog,
  General Core).

  Resolution 99-22:  Appointment of SC22 Liaison to ECMA TC41 and to ECMA 
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 appoints Dr. Robert Mathis to serve as the SC22
  liaison to ECMA and ECMA TC41. 

  Resolution 99-23:  Appointment of SC22 Liaisons
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 appoints the following SC22 liaisons:
  Mr. Arnold Winkler to SC2 (Coded Character Sets),
  Mr. Jim Moore to SC7 (Software Engineering).
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 reappoints Dr. Miles Ellis (UK) as its Liaison
  Officer to JTC 1/SC29.

  Resolution 99-24:  2000 Plenary in Nara, Japan
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 accepts the generous offer of the Japan National
  Body (SC22 N2984) to host the 2000 JTC 1/SC22 Plenary in Nara, Japan on
  September 12-15, 2000.
  Resolution 99-25:  Appointment of Acting Chairman of ISO IEC/JTC 1/SC22
  Recognizing that the USA National Body has not yet endorsed an
  individual to assume the Chairman position of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22; and
  Recognizing that the term of office of Mr. Robert Follett has been 
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 endorses the appointment of Mr. John Hill as Acting
  Chairman of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22.

  Resolution 99-26:  Appreciation:  Mr. Johann van Wingen
  ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Johann   
  van Wingen for his long service and his many contributions as their
  liaison to SC2.

  Resolution 99-27:  Appreciation:  Dr. Miles Ellis
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Dr.
  Miles Ellis for his many contributions as Convener of ISO/IEC JTC
  1/SC22/WG5 - Fortran.

  Resolution 99-28:  Appreciation:  Mr. Roger Scowen
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Mr.
  Roger Scowen for his many contributions during his long tenure as
  Convener of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22/WG17 - Prolog.

  Resolution 99-29:  Appreciation:  SC22 Web Page and E-mail Reflector
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 expresses its appreciation to the Danish UNIX Users
  Group (DKUUG) and Mr. Keld Simonsen for continuing to so effectively
  host and administer the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 World Wide Web pages and
  email reflectors.

  Resolution 99-30:  Appreciation:  Mr. Robert Follett
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Mr.
  Robert Follett for his service as Chairman of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 over
  the past 10 years and congratulates him on a job very well done.  Mr.
  Follett's leadership and guidance have been key to SC22's success. 
  SC22 is grateful for Mr. Follett's leadership which has always been
  exercised with great fairness, efficiency and diplomacy.
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 wishes Mr. Follett the best of good fortune in his
  future endeavours.

  Resolution 99-31:  Appreciations:  General
  ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 expresses its appreciation to all those who have
  assisted in the work of this meeting, and in particular:
  to Aonix, Gesellschaft fur Informatik, IBM Deutschland
  Informationssysteme, Siemens AG, and Software Portfolio Management for
  so generously sponsoring the dinner and boat ride for the ISO/IEC JTC
  1/SC22 delegates on Tuesday, September 21, 1999;
  to DIN Deutsches Institut for Normung e.V., the meeting host, for the
  outstanding organization of the meeting and technical support, and
  especially to Ms. Ulrike Wachtendorf, Mr. Ronald Haude and Mr.
  Siegfried Badenmuller for their cheerful help and support at all times;
  to the Danish UNIX Users Group (DKUUG), and especially to Mr. Keld
  Simonsen, for setting up and maintaining the invaluable LAN
  infrastructure connections in the meeting room;
  to the Drafting Committee members Mr. Isak Korn (chairman), Mr. Roger
  Martin, Mr Akio Kido, Mr. Toshiaki Kurokawa, Dr. Miles Ellis, and Mr.
  Keld Simonsen;
  to Mr. John Hill for chairing the Ad Hoc Group on Increasing
  Participation on Working Groups;
  to Hr. H.-Peter Krause, Prof. Georg Thiele and Prof. Rainer M�ller for
  their interesting and informative presentation on PEARL;
  to Mr. William Rinehuls for his excellent management of the ISO/IEC JTC
  1/SC22 Program of Work as the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat; and last,
  but by no means least,
  to Mr. Robert Follett for chairing of the meeting for the last time in
  his usual exemplary manner.
  All Resolutions were approved unanimously except:
  USA abstained on Resolution 99-10
  Canada voted "no" on Resolution 99-11
  Denmark abstained on Resolution 99-11
________________________ end of SC22 N3013 (REVISED) __________________