ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N2878

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 18:00:13 -0500 (EST)
From: William Rinehuls <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
cc: keld simonsen <[email protected]>
Subject: SC22 N2878 - Minutes of WG17 January 1999 Meeting

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Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


Minutes and Resolutions of SC22/WG17 (Prolog) Meeting on January 7-8, 1999
in Chiswick, United Kingdom


Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22


WG Minutes







Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Telephone:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]

_________________ end of title page; beginning of minutes ___________

                        Minutes of meeting        
      WG17 (Prolog) meeting, 7 - 8 January, Chiswick, London, UK.

Jonathan Hodgson
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG17 (Prolog)  Acting convener

0.1 Annexes

A --- Resolutions.
B --- Address list.

1  Attendance

The following attended the meeting: Klaus Daessler (Germany), Jonathan
Hodgson (USA, Chairman), Paul Holmes-Higgin (UK)*, 
Katsuhiko Nakamura (Japan).

*  Friday Only.

See Annex B for address list.

2  Agenda for meeting -- N160

The draft agenda (N160, 4) for the meeting was approved.

3  Drafting committee

WG17 decided that a drafting committee was not required for this meeting.

Jonathan Hodgson agreed to serve as secretary.

4  Minutes of the Schliersee meeting (WG17 N156)

The minutes of the Schliersee meeting were approved.

4.1  Matters arising from the Schliersee meeting

    a) The translation process required to make a Japanese Industrial
       Standard for Prolog has been held up.
       It will perhaps start this year.
    b) The Standard Interpretation subgroup remains to be established.
    d) Documentation of existing Prologs should be made freely available.

5  Future meetings

WG17 did not arrange a further meeting. 
Jonathan Hodgson will investigate the possibility of an open forum on the 
future of Prolog standardization at the Practical Applications of Prolog
meeting in April  1999.

6  Reports from national panels

No written reports from the member bodies were available, although
groups had met at least in US,  Japan, and Germany. The British
group had communicated by email.

7  Consideration of comments on ISO/IEC CD 13211-2 (N159)

Jonathan Hodgson circulated a draft `Disposition of Comments' to those

Before considering the comments in detail, the group agreed to
concentrate on producing a document that covered all  parts where there
is agreement, leaving areas where there is still disagreement as
implementation defined.  

WG17 reached agreement --- see resolution A.1, and 
WG17 N164 -- Disposition of Comments  (in press).

8  Appreciation

WG17 extended a special appreciation to Roger Scowen along with best
wishes for a speedy recovery.

WG17 thanked Roger Scowen and the British Standards Institute for hosting 
its meeting.

9  Timetable

The following timetable (see A.2) was agreed:

1). The project editor to publish a final committee draft taking in 
account the comments made and decisions taken in Chiswick by March 15th

2). WG17 members and project editor to comment, discuss and resolve all
the outstanding issues by April 30th 1999.

3). The project editor to publish a DIS by  June 15th 1999.

4). The convenor to submit the DIS for balloting by  July 15th 1999.

A  Resolutions

The votes for the resolutions were taken on Friday 8th January 1999
The following countries voted: Germany, Japan, USA, and UK.

A.1  Setting the calling context

WG17 resolves that there shall be an unchangeable flag
 "colon_sets_calling_context" with possible value true or false. When the
value of the flag is true module name qualification shall set the calling
context in an implementation defined manner. When the value is false some
other mechanism shall be provided to set the calling context in an
implementation defined manner.
Indviduals: For  4 Against 0 Abstaining 0
Countries:  For  3 Against 0 Abstaining  1 

A.2  Timetable

WG17 instructs:

1). The project editor to publish a final committee draft taking in 
account the comments made and decisions taken in Chiswick by March 15th

2). WG17 members and project editor to comment, 
discuss and resolve all the outstanding issues by April 30th 1999.

3). The project editor to publish a DIS by  June 15th 1999.

4). The convenor to submit the DIS for balloting by  July 15th 1999.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous. 

A.3  Reaffirmation/Revision
WG17 resolves to solicit the opinions of the Prolog community concurrent 
with  the next PAP conference in April 1999, and asks Klaus Daessler to 
prepare a short introductory presentation.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous.

A.4 Availability of the Standard

WG17 asks Jonathan Hodgson to request from ISO permission to make part 
one of the standard freely available on the web.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous.

A.5  Appreciation -- 1

WG17 thanks Roger Scowen for his work as convenor and wishes him a 
speedy recovery, and return to his role as convenor.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous.

A.6  Appreciation -- 2

WG17 thanks the local host, Roger Scowen, and the British Standards Institute
for their efforts and services in hosting this meeting.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous.

A.7 Appreciation -- 3

WG17 thanks Jonathan Hodgson for his continuing efforts.

Individuals: Unanimous.
Countries:   Unanimous.


B  Address List

Dipl-Phys Klaus Daessler
Transview KG 
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
D-81730 Muenchen
Tel: +49 89 636 48085
Fax: +49 89 636 40140
E-mail: [email protected]
Jonathan Hodgson
Dept. of Math/CSC
St. Joseph's University
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia. PA 19131
Tel: +1 610 660 1571
Fax: +1 215 473 0001
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr Paul Holmes-Higgin
Director of Technology
Resumix Limited
Renaissance House
32 Upper High Street
Epsom KT17 4QJ
Tel: +44 (0)1372 745777
Fax: +44 (0)1372 743429
E-mail: [email protected]

Professor K Nakamura
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Tokyo Denki University
350-0394 JAPAN
Tel: +81 492 96 2911
Fax: +81 492 96 6185
E-Mail: [email protected]
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