ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N4228

From:This document was incorrectly numbered.  It should be N 4228, not N 4227 as
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From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of Sally Seitz
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8:16 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: (SC22docs.2701) N 4227 - Japanese National Body Report to the
September 2007 SC 2 2 Plenary


Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI) 
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 N4228 
Japanese National Body Report to the September 2007 SC 22 Plenary 

Japanese National Body 

National Body Contribution 

This document is circulated for review and consideration.  It will be
discussed at the September 2007 SC 22 Plenary under agenda item 7.1.



___________________________end of cover page, beginning of
Japanese National Body Report to the Plenary Meeting of JTC 1/SC 22,
September 2007 

1. National Activities for International Standardization in Japan 
- SC 22 of Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (ITSCJ) is
working as a Japanese National Committee for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22. SC 22
meetings are held 6 times per year and some additional ad-hoc meetings are
held if necessary.

- There were eight working groups (COBOL WG, Fortran WG, Ada WG, C WG, Lisp
WG, Prolog WG, C++ WG, and Language Independent Issues WG). Discussion items
not covered by these working groups are handled by our SC22 itself, and if
necessary, temporarily formed ad hoc working groups.  Several JIS drafting
committees for language standards are formed in ITSCJ having close
relationship with our SC22. VDM/SL and Z are covered by another group
(Formal Description Technique Sub Working Group) in ITSCJ with close liaison
with our SC 22.

- Each group has been participating actively in the corresponding
international working group. 
- Additional activities to be reported are as follows: 

C# JIS Committee 
- C# JIS drafting committee has drafted revision of C# JIS corresponding to
the revised ISO/IEC 23270:2006 in June 2007. We thank ECMA TC39 TG2 for
their valuable help.

- In collaboration with SC22 WG16, this LISP WG created a draft revised
report of the ISLISP document ISO/IEC 13816:1997. This report has been
registered as an FDIS and is now under voting for final IS publication.

Prolog WG 
- In collaboration with SC22 WG17, Prolog WG is continuing the work on
introducing global variables into Standard Prolog, which are related to
array functions.

COBOL JIS Committee 
- For ISO/IEC 1989:2002, - COBOL, the corresponding JIS (Japanese Industrial
Standards) draft is under refinement in terms of correctness of translation
and accuracy of the descriptions of standard development history. 

Fortran JIS Committee 
- Translation work of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004 is ongoing. 

2. Development of National Standards 
The Japanese national standards are known as Japanese Industrial Standards
(JISs). The current status of JISs in the area of SC 22 is as follows: 

1) JISs established before 2006 
- Ada (JIS X 3009: 2002) - C (JIS X 3010: 2003) - C++ (JIS X 3014: 2003) - C# language specification (JIS X 3015: 2005) - COBOL (JIS X 3002: 1992) - ECMAScript (JIS X 3060: 2000) - Fortran Part 1 (JIS X 3001-1: 1998) - Fortran Part 2 (JIS X 3001-2: 2002) - Fortran Part 3 (JIS X 3001-3: 2000) - Framework for Internationalization (JIS TR X 0030: 2000) 11017: 1998 
- Full BASIC (JIS X 3003: 1993) - Guidelines for Programming Language Standards Preparation (JIS TR X 0031:
2001)- ISLISP (JIS X 3012: 1998) - MUMPS (JIS X 3011: 1995) - Pascal (JIS X 3008: 1994) - PCTE Part 1 (JIS X 3050: 1996) - POSIX Part 1 (JIS X 3030: 1994) - POSIX Part 2 (JIS X 3031: 2001) - Prolog Part 1: General Core (JIS X 3013: 2001) 
2) JISs established in FY 2006 
- CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) (JIS X 3016: 2006) 23271:2003 

3) JISs prepared in FY 2006 and to be published in FY 2007 
- COBOL (JIS X 3002) - C# language specification (Revision of JIS X 3015: 2005) 23270:2006 

4) Draft JISs being prepared in FY 2007 
- Fortran Part 1 (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004) 
- CLI (Revision of JIS X 3016: 2006) 

Sally Seitz 
Program Manager 
American National Standards Institute 
25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor 
New York, NY 10036 
Tel: 212 642 4918 
Fax: 212 840 2298