ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N3191

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Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)

TITLE: Resolutions of the SC 22/WG5 Meeting, 14-18 August 2000 in Finland


J. Reid, WG 5 Convener

Meeting Resolutions

This document is forwarded to SC 22 members for information. 
FYI to SC22 Member Bodies




Lisa Rajchel
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                      RESOLUTIONS OF THE WG5 MEETING
                   ON 14 TO 18 AUGUST 2000 IN OULU, FINLAND

                             David Muxworthy

Resolutions O1 to O11 were passed by unanimous consent, O12 and O13 by 
unanimous acclaim.

O1.  Convenor of WG5
That WG5 congratulates John Reid on his appointment as WG5 convenor by 

O2.  SC22 e-mail lists
That WG5 directs its convenor to raise with SC22 the question of the 
increasing unauthorized and irrelevant use of the SC22 e-mail lists.

O3.  Circulation of Corrigenda and Current Working Draft
That WG5 thanks the primary development body for delivering the latest 
draft standard and interpretation documents for this WG5 meeting as 
requested in Cadarache resolution C6, and notes that in that 
resolution "corrigendum" should have read "interpretation".  WG5 
especially thanks the Project Editor, Richard Maine, for producing the 
draft standard so quickly following the latest meeting of the primary 
development body.

O4.  Requirements for Fortran 2000
That WG5 thanks the primary development body for progressing the 
changes to the language specified in Cadarache resolution C1 and 
approves WG5-N1413 as its updated specification of requirements for 
Fortran 2000.

O5.  Review of Fortran 2000 Draft Standard 
That WG5 congratulates the primary development body on its work on 
constructing the draft Fortran 2000 standard.  Following a review of 
the draft, WG5 endorses the following papers on various outstanding 
     WG5-N1402 and N1406 on interoperability with C
     WG5-N1407 and N1417 on structure constructors and destructors
     WG5-N1405 and N1408 on general editorial matters.

WG5 directs its convenor to forward these papers to the primary 
development body before 4 September 2000 so that they may be available 
at their next meeting.

O6. Revised schedule for Fortran 2000
That WG5 adopts the following minor changes to the schedule for the 
revision of Fortran.  Dates in 2002-06 and after are as contained in 
Cadarache resolution C4.

J3 delivers to WG5 edits for draft corrigendum 1
and current working draft                               2000-06
WG5 constructs corrigendum 1                            2000-08
WG5 provides J3 with review of F2000 working draft      2000-08
Corrigendum 1 submitted for processing                  2000-10
J3 delivers to WG5 edits for draft corrigendum 2
and current working draft                               2001-06
WG5 constructs corrigendum 2                            2001-08
WG5 provides J3 with review of F2000 working draft      2001-08
Corrigendum 2 submitted for processing                  2001-10
J3 delivers proposed CD to WG5                          2002-06

O7. Interpretations of Part 1 of the Fortran Standard
That WG5, following the letter ballot on interpretations to Part 1 of 
the Fortran standard submitted to it by the primary development body 
(papers WG5-N1390, N1392 and N1399), notes that the resolution of the 
ballot is described in paper WG5-N1403 and that most items were 
approved and progressed to the Technical Corrigendum stage while a few 
were referred to the primary development body for further 

O8. Technical Corrigendum 1 for Part 1 of the Fortran Standard
That WG5 approves document WG5-N1416 as the initial draft Technical 
Corrigendum to Part 1 of the Fortran standard and directs its convenor 
to issue a typeset version for letter ballot by WG5 members.

O9.  Maintenance of Part 1 of the Fortran Standard
That WG5 endorses papers WG5-N1404, N1410, N1411 and N1414 which 
contain suggestions for progressing unresolved interpretation 
requests, and directs its convenor to combine them into a single 
document and to forward it to the primary development body before 
4 September 2000 so that it may be considered at their next meeting.

O10.  Maintenance of Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional 
That WG5 thanks the Japanese and Russian member bodies for their 
contributions on Part 3 of the Fortran standard and notes that the 
standard is being reprinted by ISO to correct an omission in the first 
edition, as described in WG5-N1409.  Further WG5 endorses the proposed 
corrections and clarifications to the standard which are described in 
WG5-N1409 and intends that the modifications will be published in a 
corrigendum in due course.

O11.  Future Meetings
That WG5 thanks the British member body for offering to host the next 
WG5 meeting, which will be held in London on 30 July to 3 August, 

O12.  Vote of Thanks for Support
That WG5 thanks the VTT (National Research Institute of Technology), its 
Networking Research Department and the University of Oulu for so 
generously supporting the meeting.

O13.  Vote of Thanks
That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the convenor (John 
Reid), the secretary (Jeanne Martin), the librarian (Larry Meadows), 
the drafting committee, the host (Petri Mahonen) and other local 
organizers (Katja Salmela and Kiia Hyyppa) for their contributions to 
the success of the meeting.

WG5 wishes especially to thank the hosts for the excellent computing 
facilities provided for the meeting.