ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology
ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 5201
DATE: 1998.02.17
DOC TYPE: Meeting Report
TITLE: Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Procedures
SOURCE: JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Procedures, 9-12 February 1998, San Diego, California
STATUS: For information
Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036; Telephone: 1 212 642 4932; Facsimile: 1 212 398 0023; Email: [email protected]
Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Procedures
The ISO/IEC JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Procedures met in San Diego, California, US on 9-12 February 1998 as authorized by Resolution 40 of the September 1997 JTC 1 Plenary (JTC 1 N 5018). A list of participants is in Attachment 1.
In accordance with Resolution 40 of the September 1997 JTC 1 Plenary (JTC 1 N 5018), the JTC 1 Secretariat convened an Ad Hoc meeting to begin a revision of the JTC 1 Directives incorporating all currently approved additions and modifications, with the exception of those still undergoing trial use (such as PAS and Business Teams), and other changes necessitated by actions of JTC 1's reengineering and IT strategy ad hocs. This revision activity attempted to streamline and improve the clarity and utility of the Directives to the greatest extent possible.
The Ad Hoc meeting considered all contributions. Those comments that
were accepted are reflected in document JTC 1 N 5202. The Ad Hoc Group
felt that certain comments were outside the scope of the meeting and suggested
that these items be the topic of National Body contributions to the June
1998 JTC 1 Plenary meeting in Sendai. In particular, it was noted that
the following items could be the topic of a contribution to the Sendai
French comment on deletion of section 7.4 Funding and closer alignment
of the JTC 1 Directives to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 (JTC 1 N 5189)
Swedish comment on deletion of term SWG (JTC 1 N 5153)
The Ad Hoc Group also discussed the French proposal to section the document into "rules" and "guidelines". The group did not agree that such a separation would enhance the clarity or usability of the document and therefore, the French proposal was not accepted.
As a result of the Ad Hoc Group's deliberations, the following recommendations were made to JTC 1.
All recommendations were unaminously approved.
1. Review of Draft 4th Edition of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives
The Procedures Ad Hoc requests the JTC 1 Secretariat to circulate document JTC 1 N 5202, Draft 4th Edition of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives, to JTC 1 National Bodies and Subcommittees for review and comment with the goal of approving the document at the June 1998 JTC 1 Plenary in Sendai. National Body and Subcommittee comments on this document should be submitted to the JTC 1 Secretariat no later than 4 May 1998. If substantive comments are received, the Procedures Ad Hoc recommends that these comments be the focus of a break out group during the Sendai Plenary.
2. Publication of the 4th Edition of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives
The Procedures Ad Hoc requests that JTC 1 strongly encourage the JTC 1 Secretariat to publish the approved 4th Edition of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives as an HTML web-based linked document posted to the JTC 1 web site. This HTML version of the Directives would serve as the definitive version of the document. One advantage of having such a version allows the Secretariat to reflect procedural changes as they are approved by JTC 1.
The Procedures Ad Hoc recognizes the desireability of having a hard copy of the Directives available for use at meetings etc, and therefore recommends that ITTF publish the 4th Edition in hard copy.
The Ad Hoc group expressed its appreciation to:
· Scott Jameson, Convener and Lisa Rajchel, Secretariat
· Bob Follett, Editor Draft 4th Edition of the JTC 1 Directives
· Hewlett - Packard for hosting the meeting, specifically Karen
Higginbottom and Janet Deanda.
· the US, specifically, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Unisys, Intel and
Digital Equipment Corporation for the lovely reception.
Attachment 1
Participants in the Meeting of the of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Procedures, San Diego, California, U.S., 9-12 February 1998
Peter Bessems (The Netherlands)
Josée Auber (France)
J.F. Legendre (France)
Bo Viklund (Sweden)
Keith Brannon (ITTF)
Scott Jameson (Convener)
Lisa Rajchel (Secretariat)
Bob Follett (Document Editor)
Peter Gibbon (UK)
Karen Higginbottom (US)
Joel Urman (US)
Steve Oksala (US)
Greg Kisor (US)
Narumi Hirose (Japan)