ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N2241

Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 11:25:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Document SC22 N2241

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


August 1996

TITLE:            Minutes of the SC22/WG11 (Binding Techniques) Meeting
                  on April 15-19, 1996 in Copenhagen, Denmark

SOURCE:           Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22

WORK ITEM:        N/A

STATUS:           N/A


DOCUMENT TYPE:    Minutes of WG11 Meeting

ACTION:           To SC22 Member Bodies for information.

Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153  USA
Tel:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]



Committee:   ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG11

Place:	     Danish Standards Association
	     Copenhagen, Denmark

Date:	     April 15-19, 1996

Attendees:   Mr. Kevin Harris	      DEC, USA
	     Prof. Katsuhiko Kakehi   Waseda University, Japan
	     Mr. Kent Karlsson	      Chalmers University, Sweden
	     Mr. Brian Meek	      King's College London, UK
	     Mr. Paul Rabin	      OSF, USA
	     Mr. Keld Simonsen	      DKnet/DS, Denmark
	     Mr. Willem Wakker	      ACE, Netherlands (Convener)

1.  Agenda

A draft agenda (appended to these minutes) was approved.

2.  Minutes of previous meeting (WG11/N420)

The minutes were approved without changes.

3.  Documents received

3.1  Liaison statement from SC22/WG22 - PCTE (WG11/N427)

The document was noted; no action is necessary.

3.2  Guidelines on character datatypes (SC22/WG20 - Internationalization,

The document was discussed briefly.  It is the opinion of WG11 that the
issues raised in this document are outside the scope of WG11, and hence
that WG11 has no opinion on the matter.

4.  General Issues

4.1  JTC1 CD/DIS procedures

The current situation was explained: the previously proposed changes were
not accepted by the ISO and IEC Management.  At the last JTC1 Plenary,
amendments to the original proposals were approved which again are sent to
ISO and IEC.  Until these are approved, the `old' procedures (JTC1
Directives, Third Edition) apply.  A change is not expected before the end
of 1996.

4.2  Implementation of the JTC1 Policy on Conformity Assessment and JTC1
     Policy on Inter-operability (SC22/N2039)

The document was introduced; the SC22 chairman has asked for input from the
WGs that can be included in the SC22 response to the document.	It was felt
that the WG11 projects are relevant in the area of interoperability, and
that a response from WG11 could be beneficial to the visibility of the WG11
documents.  Points that could be made in such a contribution are:

   - a short description of the WG11 projects;
   - how the WG11 work can be used (e.g., description/production of
     language bindings);
   - which problems are solved (or at least are addressed) by the WG11
     approach; and
   - which problems are not solved/addressed by the WG11 approach and hence
     what still needs to be done.
The convener will produce a first draft contribution, which will be
discussed further by email.

4.3  WWW pages, electronic document distribution

The current status was explained. The following points were made:

1. There should be a page explaining the history of WG11 (the rationale for
 the creation of WG11).

2. It was suggested to create a page with references to (pseudo) Standing

3. The convener will send an email to WG11 Heads of Delegation to ask for
 names to be included as national contact points for WG11.

4. The WG11 convener was authorized to progress the electronic document
 distribution in accordance with the JTC1 and SC22 guidelines (possibly
 under password protection).

5. The WG11 will investigate the rules and conditions under which passwords
 can be distributed, and will check the electronic document distribution
 via HTML.


The status of the project was explained; it is the intention of Denmark to
progress the work.  Experiences with POSIX LISS can prove useful for the
LISS project.

5.  Work Item 22.17 - Language-Independent Datatypes

The project editor received some editorial comments from ITTF, and is
working on the final text of the IS.

6.  Work Item 22.16 - Language-Independent Procedure Calling

The document is published by ITTF as IS 13886:1996.

7.  WDTR 14369 - Language-Independent Service Specification

7.1  Project Editor for WDTR 14369

In response to the request of the SC22 Secretariat for nominations for a
project-editor for this project, (SC22 N2023) no nominations were received.
The acting project-editor, Mr. Brian Meek, was not nominated because there
is no guaranteed funding for him to attend future WG11 meetings.  However,
as Mr. Meek is willing to continue as acting project-editor, WG11 does not
want to stop this project (that has made good progress, see below) for
formal reasons.  The SC22 Secretary will be asked to note the default
project-editor (i.e. `convener') in the SC22 Program of Work.

7.2  Progress of WDTR 14369

Before the meeting a first more or less complete draft of the document was
made available through restricted FTP access.  Many sections (although
unfortunately not all) of the document were discussed.	This discussion led
to a large number of recommendations to the acting project editor, who will
provide a new version of the document before the next meeting.

8.  CD 10967-2 - Language-Independent Arithmetic, part 2: Elementary
    Numerical Functions

This document was sent out for concurrent CD registration and approval
ballot (SC22 N2021).  The original dead-line for this ballot (1996-04-03)
was, as a consequence of SC22 mailing problems, shifted to 1996-04-29,
which is after the close of the meeting. It was decided to discuss all
comments received so far (UK, Japan and Sweden) and formally not close the
discussion until after the ballot closes.  The partial results (known at
the start of the meeting) of the ballots were as follows: on the
registration ballot there were many Yes votes and only one No vote
(Sweden); on the approval ballot again many NBs voted Yes, while three
countries voted No (Sweden, Japan and the UK).	At the close of the ballot
it appeared that also the US had voted No on the approval ballot.

The comments from Japan and the UK were discussed during the meeting, while
(due to the large amount of the comments) the comments from Sweden were
only discussed partially.  The project editor will prepare a full
Disposition of Comments document, addressing all comments received
(including the email comments made by representatives from WG14 - C), and
will prepare a second CD for this project.

9.  WD 10967-3 - Language-Independent Arithmetic, part 3: Complex Floating
    Point Arithmetic and Complex Elementary Numerical Functions

Work on this project will start as soon as the work on 10967 part 2 has
resulted in a stable document.

10.  Planning and Future Meetings

It was decided that the next meeting of WG11 should be scheduled to take
place well after the closing of the ballot on the second version of CD
10967-2.  As it was not yet clear when the document would be available, no
date was set.

11.  Any Other Business

11.1  Syntactic Metalanguage Standard

In the UK the issue was raised whether this  standard (when approved by the
fast-track procedure) should be further handled by WG11, or whether WG19
(Formal Specification Languages) would be a better group to look after this
standard.  WG11 agreed with the UK that WG19 is probably the best place for
this standard.

12.  Close of Meeting

The host, Danish Standards, and especially Mr. Keld Simonsen were thanked
for organizing and hosting the meeting.

_________________________end of document SC22 N2241 ______________________