ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N2179

Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 16:03:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Document SC22 N2179

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A. (ANSI)


June 1996

TITLE:                 Minutes and Resolutions of the SC22/WG22 (PCTE)
                       Meeting on April 15-17, 1996 in London, United

SOURCE:                Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22

WORK ITEM:             N/A

STATUS:                N/A


DOCUMENT TYPE:         Minutes of Resolutions of WG22 Meeting

ACTION:                To SC22 Member Bodies for information.

Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Tel:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]


ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG22 N 114

Portable common tool environment (PCTE)

Secretariat: SwitzerlandApril 1996Title:               

Minutes of SC22/WG22 4th meeting, 15-17 April 1996, London, 
United Kingdom

Source:             Secretariat ISO/IEC 
JTC1/SC22/WG22 Project:       JTC1.22.47
Status:             Minutes
Cross reference:         
Action:             For approval and action by SC22/WG22
                                                     For information of SC22

Minutes of 4th Meeting ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG22 - PCTE
including joint sessions with ECMA TC33

London,  United Kingdom,  15-17 April 1996

1    Opening business

The Convenor Mr. Minot (France) opened the 4th meeting of WG22 
at 09:00 hours on Monday, 15 April 1996 in the BSI Offices in 

Mr. Minot apologized for being able to attend only on 15 April, 
and Mr. Dawes accepted with thanks to Chair the meeting on 16 
and 17 April. Mr. Davis apologized for his own partial 
attendance at this meeting, travelling early this week to other 
business in Japan.

An attendance list is given at annex A to these minutes. 
Apologies for absence were received from Prof. Dr. Kelter 
(Germany; other commitments this week), Mr. Simonsen (Denmark; 
delay in Japan compounded by commitments at a concurrent 
meeting in K�benhavn), and Mr. Yoshino (Japan; otherwise 
engaged in completing an important repository development 
project), all indicating that they will keep in close contact 
with current WG22 business via email.

These minutes cover both the WG22 4th meeting and the joint 
sessions with ECMA TC33 held during 15-17 April; items covered 
in joint sessions are indicated as such in these minutes.

2    Adoption of agenda

The agenda was adopted as proposed (WG22 N75), after adding a 
new item 14 on a PCTE query facility, and is reflected by these 
minutes. A number of items were re-sequenced to take account of 
partial attendance by some members this week.

3    Approval of minutes of WG22 3rd meeting

The minutes, including annexes A, B and C, were approved as 
written (WG22 N65, Makuhari, Japan, 13-15 November 1995).

4    Review of actions

The status of all open actions from previous minutes was 
reviewed (summarily given at annex C of WG22 N65). Four 
organizational points (actions 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 and 3.23) were 
immediately noted as discharged, with thanks to Mr. Dawes and 
BSI for the fine arrangements made in London.

All other open actions from previous minutes were reviewed 
under appropriate items of the present meeting :

Action 1.11 :  addressed under item 18;

Action 1.12 :  addressed under item 18;

Action 3.1 :   addressed under item 6.4;

Action 3.2 :   addressed under item 6.7;

Action 3.3 :   addressed under item 10;

Action 3.4 :   addressed under item 10;

Action 3.5 :   addressed under item 12;

Action 3.6 :   addressed under item 8;

Action 3.7 :   addressed under item 8;

Action 3.8 :   addressed under item 8;

Action 3.9 :   addressed under item 9;

Action 3.10 :  addressed under item 9;

Action 3.11 :  addressed under item 13;

Action 3.12 :  addressed under item 17;

Action 3.13 :  addressed under item 18;

Action 3.14 :  addressed under item 16;

Action 3.15 :  addressed under item 16;

Action 3.16 :  addressed under item 7;

Action 3.17 :  addressed under item 19;

Action 3.18 :  addressed under item 19;

Action 3.19 :  addressed under item 19.

A summary of all carried-forward actions is given at annex C to 
these minutes.

5    Reports from national bodies

Mr. Dawes gave a brief oral report on news from the United Kingdom. No news was
reported from other nations.

6    Review of liaisons with other groups

6.1  SC7/WG11 - SEDDR (addressed in joint session with ECMA TC33)

Mr. Davis introduced his liaison report to WG22 on PCTE Schema Definition Sets (WG22
N106), and a mapping strategy for deriving PCTE SDSs from CDIF subject areas (WG22

Mr. Davis then introduced an extract of the CDIF integrated meta-model Common subject
area (WG22 N108), and PCTE SDSs for four CDIF subject areas :
Common (WG22 N109),
Foundation (WG22 N110),
Data Modelling (WG22 N111),
Data Definition (WG22 N112),
adding that there should not be an ICL or CDIF copyright on these papers.
Mr. Davis proposed in a broad manner that the four PCTE SDSs be progressed with a view
to publication as ECMA standards, possibly in a December 1996 timeframe, and that the
mapping strategy for deriving PCTE SDSs from CDIF subject areas also be envisaged for
publication by ECMA in December 1996, as a TR or standard.

All members of WG22 and ECMA TC33 present viewed the papers prepared by Mr. Davis
in a highly positive manner and expressed support for his initiatives and work, as recorded in
Resolution 4.1 (in annex B to these minutes).

It was agreed that comments should be forwarded to Mr. Davis :
from WG22 members in regard and support for the work within SC7/WG11, and
from ECMA TC33 members in regard and support for their progression to ECMA

Action 4.1 : Mr. Dawes

To study what if anything needs to be done in using DDL to define standard SDSs.

Status : new

6.2  SC21/WG3 - Database

Liaison officer Dr. Bird indicated that there is no news to report at present, other than noting
the outcome on repository standards issues from the recent JTC1 Sydney plenary meeting
(document WG22 N104 refers, considered in item 7 below).

6.3  SC22/WG9 - Ada

Liaison officer Mr. Dawes indicated that there is no news to report at present.

6.4  SC22/WG11 - Binding techniques

Liaison officer Mr. Dawes indicated that WG11 are meeting this week in K�benhavn; there
is no news to report yet.

Action 3.1 : Mr. Dawes

To provide WG22 with a copy of a draft from WG11 on guidelines for the production of
language-independent service specifications. A first complete draft may already be available.

Status : carried-forward

6.5  SC22/WG14 - C and SC22/WG15 - POSIX and SC22/WG20 - Internationalization

No specific actions were seen as necessary at present (but see action 4.4 under item 8

6.6  ECMA TC33 (addressed in joint session with ECMA TC33)

The minutes of the 36th meeting of ECMA TC33 held in November 1995 in Makuhari were
noted as circulated (document WG22 N66). No specific items needed to be addressed this
week that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

It was noted that Mr. Dawes had been appointed as Chairman of TC33, replacing Mr.
Minot. Accordingly WG22 unanimously appointed Mr. Dawes as liaison officer from WG22
to ECMA TC33, replacing Mr. Minot. This was recorded in Resolution 4.2 (in annex B to
these minutes). Appreciation was expressed to
 Mr. Minot for carrying out the liaison with ECMA TC33 in a first-rate fashion over the past
two years (applause).

6.7  OMG

It was recalled from earlier initiatives that the OMG wish to 
apply for a Category C liaison status in SC22 (documents WG22 
N47 and N48 refer), and that an action had been taken to move 
forward :

Action 3.2 : Mr. Davis

To progress the mutual benefits document required for SC22 and 
JTC1 approval of Category C liaison status for OMG in SC22 with 
regard to WG22.

Status : not done (Mr. Davis apologized for not progressing 
this action, now superseded by new action 4.2 below)

Action 4.2 : Mr. Minot

To update the OMG liaison text for SC22/WG22 (WG22 N48) and 
send it to Dr. Jon Siegel, Director Domain Technology at OMG, 
with advice on how to proceed in obtaining Category C liaison 
status for OMG in SC22 with regard to WG22, if OMG interest is 

Status : new

6.8  Other news (addressed in joint session with ECMA TC33)

It was noted that a JTC1-sponsored joint workshop on standards 
for the use of models that define the data and processes of 
information systems is to be held in Bellevue, Washington 
State, USA in September 1996, and that WG22 is invited. Some 
initial information on this workshop was provided (WG22 N102).
With regard to point 4 of the SC7/WG11 liaison report to WG22 
on PCTE Schema Definition Sets (WG22 N106), WG22 welcomed and 
appointed Mr. Davis as a representative to the joint workshop. 

This is recorded in Resolution 4.3 (in annex B to these 

It was also agreed to take a broader and more general action in 
regard to the workshop :

Action 4.3 : Mr. Minot

To contact those responsible for arrangements for the joint 
workshop, and advise the interest and wish to participate from 
WG22 and to pre-register all WG22 members present.

Status : new

7    Follow-up of answer to JTC1 on repository standards 

Action 3.16 : Mr. Dawes, Dr. Bird, Mr. Minot

To prepare the proposed final-form response on the repository standards issues and send to
the SC22 Chairman for onwards forwarding to JTC1.

Status : done (WG22 N76)

Mr. Dawes and Mr. Minot reported on subsequent developments. The proposed joint
SC21/SC22 position on repository standards work prepared following the previous meeting in
Makuhari last November (WG22 N76) had been duly onwards-processed, resulting in a joint
position of the SC21 and SC22 Chairmen 
as agreed at the recent JTC1 plenary meeting in Sydney, Australia (WG22 N104).

Appreciation was expressed to all who had contributed to achieving this highly satisfactory

Members interested were referred back to earlier papers and events (WG22 N10, covering
documents SC22 N1786, JTC1 N3397, JTC1 N3162, and SC21 N8906, also item 11.1 of the
SC22 Annapolis plenary minutes WG22 N57).

8    Follow-up of request for project subdivision for IDL binding
(addressed in joint session with ECMA TC33)

Action 3.6 : Mr. Brockway

To request SC22 approval of a new sub-project JTC1.22.47.5 for the IDL binding, giving
explanatory rationale, and to express concern that SC21 had not advised the existence of the 
IDL CD 14750 ballot.

Status : done (SC22 ballot currently in progress, with an end-date of 26 May 1996; document
WG22 N81 : SC22 N2030 refers)

It was noted that publication by ECMA of the IDL binding, as Standard ECMA-230, had
been delayed due to the need to complete final editorial work and further communicate with
the OMG in regard to freedom of copyright. These actions now taken as complete, TC33
agreed to publish ECMA-230.

Action 3.7 : Mr. Brockway

To circulate Standard ECMA-230 to WG22 and SC22 as a document for information

Status : done immediately following the meeting (circulated to WG22 and SC22 under
covering text as prepared and agreed by ECMA TC33 in document WG22 N113)

Action 3.8 : Mr. Brockway

To initiate discussion, via email among all WG22 members, on how best to proceed for
ISO/IEC standardization of the PCTE IDL binding : via the CD route or by inviting
fast-track of the ECMA standard.

Status : done (document WG22 N86 refers, circulated by email as SC22WG22.129)

Addressing Mr. Brockway's paper on the ISO/IEC standardization choice (WG22 N86), the
following comments were made by members present :
France in WG22 has no objection to the use of the fast-track process in this case and will
probably support a fast-track submission by ECMA;
Switzerland in WG22 favours the fast-track option, as likely to involve the least amount of
work and time of expert resources, but seeks assurance that resources would be made
available for addressing and resolving comments that might be made by member nations
during a fast-track DIS ballot;
the United Kingdom in WG22 is mildly in favour of the use of the fast-track process in this
case, and ICL as a member of TC33 is strongly in favour.

Responding to the comment from Switzerland on the need to ensure availability of resources,
Mr. Dawes volunteered with thanks to take the function of Project Editor for the fast-track
comment resolution process and, assisted by the ECMA Secretariat, preparation of the
resulting final DIS text.

In conclusion as the way forward, WG22 invited ECMA to consider submitting the IDL
binding standard ECMA-230 to JTC1 using the fast-track procedure, as a DIS for a new Part
of ISO/IEC 13719.

Consequently ECMA TC33 decided to recommend to the ECMA General Assembly, next
meeting in June 1996, that ECMA-230 be submitted to JTC1 by means of the fast-track
process. After ECMA GA approval in June for this course of action, the fast-track
submission would be initiated in July 1996.

As an afterthought, Dr. Bird indicated that the OMG are looking into the internationalization
of CORBA IDL. This was briefly discussed, and the following questions were noted :

i)   what impact could this internationalization of CORBA IDL have on the future
envisaged JTC1 DIS ballot on CORBA IDL (following the successful SC21 CD 14750 ballot)
ii)  questions as to the (in)compatibility of OMG's internationalization of CORBA IDL
with respect to the internationalization work on PCTE already accomplished by ECMA and
iii) what impact could OMG's internationalization of CORBA IDL have on the intended
JTC1 fast-track of ECMA-230 ?

Action 4.4 : Dr. Bird

To contact Mr. Simonsen, as WG22's liaison officer to SC22/WG20 
on internationalization, in regard to points (i) and (ii) 
above, also noting the OMG RfP as indicated on the CD 14750 
ballot version (SC21 N9827).

Status : new

Action 4.5 : Mr. Dawes

To advise the ECMA Secretariat in regard to point (iii) above, 
before the ECMA General Assembly meeting in June 1996.

Status : new

9    Fine-grain extensions (addressed in joint session with 

Action 3.9 : Mr. Brockway

To circulate the three FG extensions standards ECMA-227 
(abstract specification), ECMA-228 (C binding) and ECMA-229 
(Ada binding) to WG22 members.

Status : done (in December 1995)

Action 3.10 : Mr. Davis
To put his one remaining outstanding FG comment on the WG22 
email reflector, with a suitable deadline (at least one month) 
for comments. A subsequent specific proposal may then be 
formulated, again with a suitable deadline (six weeks for 
example) for WG22 members to respond.

Status : carried-forward

A comment on concurrency and integrity control in the FG 
extensions abstract specification was reviewed (WG22 N95). WG22 
considered that a small, but normative, change is required.

Action 4.6 : Mr. Dawes

To write to the submitter of the comment (WG22 N95) on 
concurrency and integrity control in the FG extensions abstract 
specification, advising the decision taken by WG22, and then to 
input the result of WG22 discussion as commentary into the 
future SC22 PDAM ballot.

Status : new

10   Status of PDAM ballots on fine-grain extensions

Action 3.3 : Mr. Dawes
To transform the three ECMA FG extensions standards (ECMA-227, 
ECMA-228 and ECMA-229, for the abstract specification, C 
binding, and Ada binding respectively) into documents suitable 
for submission to SC22 for PDAM ballots, and to provide the 
WG22 Secretariat with electronic and printed copies of the 
three documents.

Status : done

Action 3.4 : Mr. Brockway
To then submit the three FG documents to the SC22 Secretariat 
with a request for PDAM ballots to be made and, in parallel to 
provide copies to the ITTF with a request for the ITTF to carry 
out a pre-edit exercise on the three documents.

Status : done (however, registration ballots are being 
conducted first within SC22, with an end-date of 30 May 1996; 
the SC22 PDAM ballots will follow)

The three SC22 ballot documents were noted as follows :
PDAM1 to ISO/IEC 13719-1 abstract specification (WG22 N78 : 
SC22 N2059);
PDAM1 to ISO/IEC 13719-2 C binding (WG22 N79 : SC22 N2060);
PDAM1 to ISO/IEC 13719-3 Ada binding (WG22 N80 : SC22 N2061).

11   Object-oriented extensions (addressed in joint session 
with ECMA TC33)

Action 4.7 : Mr. Brockway

To circulate the latest drafts of the envisaged ECMA standards 
on OO extensions to WG22 members.

Status : done immediately following the meeting (WG22 N90, N91, 
and N92, containing the abstract specification, C binding, and 
Ada binding respectively)
More for the benefit of TC33 members, Mr. Dawes introduced some 
queries (document TC33/96/18) on the OO extensions draft 
standards, pointing out that these queriers had been produced 
during the process in which the three current drafts had been 
prepared. The queries were quickly reviewed.

12   Submission of PDAMs on object-oriented extensions
(addressed in joint session with ECMA TC33)

Action 3.5 : Mr. Dawes
To prepare a draft plan on coordination of the timing of OO work and of approval processes
in WG22, SC22, JTC1 and ECMA, for review by WG22 members.

Status : done (contained within document WG22 N105)
The overall plan was re-affirmed to submit three OO extensions documents (abstract
specification, C binding, and Ada binding, corresponding to three future ECMA standards) to
SC22 for ballots as PDAMs to ISO/IEC 13719-1, 13719-2 and 13719-3 respectively.
The more specific plan prepared by Mr. Dawes (WG22 N105) was then reviewed and
modified. It was considered that it might be possible to initiate concurrent registration and
PDAM ballots in SC22 on the three documents in June or July 1996, and envisage publishing
the three corresponding ECMA standards in December 1996.

Action 4.8 : Mr. Minot, Mr. Brockway

To contact the Chairman and Secretary of SC22 to pave the way (if possible according to
SC22 procedures) for concurrent registration and approval ballots in SC22 on the three OO
PDAMs, which can be expected to be ready for launching in June or July 1996.

Status : new

13   C++ binding : future ISO/IEC 13719-4 (addressed in joint session with ECMA

With sub-project JTC1.22.47.4 for the C++ binding approved by SC22 (by SC22 Annapolis
Resolution 95-17), and with ECMA TC33 giving high priority to this work, the need for
close coordination between WG22 and ECMA was recognized.

Action 3.11 : Mr. Dawes

To take all necessary initiatives to get work going on the C++ 

Status : initiated and therefore closed (see below)

Mr. Dawes referred to section 4.2 in his work programme paper 
(WG22 N105). Opinion differed as to whether the solution 
proposed is a neat way, or an untidy way, of producing a C++ 
binding via IDL, so a number of alternative ways forward were 
examined. Discussion was inconclusive, although all present 
recognized the importance of achieving a result.

Action 4.9 : Dr. Bird, Mr. Grosselin, Mr. Minot
To examine whether resources can be assigned for work on a C++ 
binding, either taking the CORBA C++ mapping route or 

Status : new

A recommendation on whether to use the CD route or to invite 
fast-track of a future ECMA standard was considered premature. 
Instead it was recognized that action needs to be focussed on 
getting the work progressed.

14   Query facility (addressed in joint session with ECMA 
Dr. Bird introduced his contribution on an open systems SEE 
query language (WG22 N93). The contribution was reviewed with 
high interest, and WG22 and TC33 members gave their support to 
this work, resulting in the following action :

Action 4.10 : Dr. Bird, Mr. Dawes
To work together to bring the open systems SEE query language 
paper (WG22 N93) into the format of the ECMA and JTC1 
standardization world, for a PCTE query facility, with a view 
to progression as an ECMA standard and onwards processing in 
Status : new

A recommendation on whether to use the CD route or to invite 
fast-track of a future ECMA standard was considered premature. 
Instead it was recognized that action needs to be focussed on 
getting the work progressed.

15   Further subsetting (addressed in joint session with 
There was no discussion this week. Contributions, for example 
on a minimal PCTE subset, may be made and considered in the 
future by WG22 and/or ECMA TC33.

16   PCTE conformance test specifications (addressed in 
joint session with ECMA TC33)
There was no presentation this week on the European CTS5 PCTE 
project (WG22 N77 refers), and the two open actions were 
declared closed :

Action 3.14 : Mr. Dawes
To provide to the WG22 Secretariat a covering explanatory 
letter to accompany the extract draft abstract test suite from 
the CTS5 PCTE project, indicating the proposed way forward in 
the standardization world.

Status : not done; declared closed

Action 3.15 : Mr. Brockway
When the above-mentioned covering explanatory letter becomes 
available, to circulate the extract draft abstract test suite 
and the letter to WG22 and ECMA TC33 members.

Status : done for the test suite (WG22 N85); declared closed 
for the letter

17   Handling of defects

Action 3.12 : Mr. Dawes
To circulate the proposals for defect handling through the WG22 
email reflector, with a request for comments and suggestions, 
especially in regard to making the process as automatic as 

Status : done (WG22 N84 and WG22 N62, as discussed below)

Mr. Dawes introduced his proposal for defect handling in SC22/WG22 (document WG22
N84 dated 6 February 1996, circulated by email as SC22WG22.124, and virtually identical
to the earlier WG22 N62 dated 9 November 1995).
Mr. Dawes highlighted the separate proposals for handling existing and historic defect
comments and newcoming defect comments, and explained how this would work.
Noted in particular was annex A to the proposal (WG22 N62) and also section 14.4.6 of the
JTC1 Directives. The following were among decisions taken on how the defect report forms
will be completed :

item 1, the defect report number, will take the form 13719/nnn, starting at 13719/001 for the
first defect report and moving upwards contiguously through the integers;
all defect reports will be assigned WG22 N-numbers and will be circulated to WG22
members both by email and in paper form;

item 5, the date of circulation by the WG22 Secretariat, will be the email transmission date;

item 6, the deadline for response from the project editor, will be computed as the date of 
item 5 plus two months.

As to how to handle the historic and existing defect comments, the following action was
agreed (also recorded in Resolution 4.4 in annex B to these minutes), with thanks to Mr.
Dawes for the work involved :

Action 4.11 : Mr. Dawes
To prepare one single defect report to cover all EP comments pre- and post- EP-5000,
leading eventually to a Technical Corrigendum to ISO/IEC 13719. This single defect report
will be a simple form referencing the larger document where all comments, resolutions, and
accompanying rationale for resol
utions, are documented, this being a new and up-to-date version 
of the previous document (WG22 N61).

Status : new

It was agreed that the new JTC1/SC22-compliant procedure for 
defect handling can now apply with immediate effect, to all 
future defects reported, as proposed by Mr. Dawes (in WG22 N84 
and WG22 N62).

18   Resolution of defects
This item occupied a major portion of this week's meeting, and 
resulted in resolution of almost all reported defects.
Discussion was based on the following input documents :
comments received on ISO/IEC 13719 : comments version 3 dated 
12 September 1995 (email SC22WG22.122, 123 and 125) (WG22 N61), 
compiled by Mr. Dawes;
discussion on outstanding comments on ISO/IEC 13719 (email 
SC22WG22.134) (WG22 N97) from Mr. Dawes;
comments on references in ISO/IEC 13719 (email SC22WG22.135) 
(WG22 N98) from Mr. Dawes;
discussion on ISO PCTE comments (email SC22WG22.138) (WG22 N99) 
from Dr. Bird;
discussion on outstanding comments on ISO/IEC 13719 (WG22 N101) 
from Dr. Bird;
regarding character sets in ISO PCTE (email SC22WG22.133) (WG22 
N96) from Mr. Simonsen:
input from Mr. Yoshino on the multi-byte issue (email 

Action 4.12 : Mr. Dawes
To record the results of resolution of defects from the London 
meeting in a separate paper.

Status : new

Open actions from previous WG22 meetings were then reviewed as 
follows :

Action 1.11 : WG22 members with actions on review of comments
To pursue the actions identified for resolving comments in item 
6.1 of the WG22 1st meeting minutes (WG22 N16).

Status : done

Action 1.12 : Mr. Yoshino, Mr. Simonsen, Dr. Bird
For the way forward on comment EP-4310 on multi-byte character set, Mr. Yoshino, Mr.
Simonsen and Dr. Bird agreed to pursue the remaining details to be resolved by email.

Status : in progress but the action remains open (an email received from Mr. Yoshino (email
SC22WG22.137) expressed his willingness to contribute on the issue and to discuss via

Action 3.13 : WG22 members
To review, comment on, and express a preference for one of the options for alternate
character synonym possibilities given by Mr. Dawes (in document WG22 N29), by email
through the WG22 reflector before a deadline of end-December 1995.
Status : closed (no comments were received so the original proposal made by Mr. Dawes
was taken as accepted)

19   Review of PCTE information on the Web (addressed in joint session with ECMA
SC22 Annapolis Resolutions 95-36 and 95-38 were first recalled (in document WG22 N56 :
SC22 N1970), and actions recorded at the previous WG22 meeting in Makuhari in November
1995 :
Action 3.17 : Mr. Minot
With regard to SC22 Annapolis Resolution 95-36, to confirm the situation with Mr.
Simonsen and report back to SC22.

Status : carried-forward

Action 3.18 : Mr. Simonsen
The Web page created with thanks by Mr. Simonsen looked good to WG22 members; it was
suggested and agreed that an additional link be made to the OMG Liaison SC's Web page
when it's set up.

Status : carried-forward

Action 3.19 : Mr. Dawes
To ascertain the future of the PCTE Association's Web page and initiate action to ensure

Status : underway, awaiting further news; the specific action was closed
A brief review was then made of all PCTE information on various Web sites, on SC22,
WG22, ECMA TC33, the PCTE Association, and on OMG Web pages. With regard to the
ECMA TC33 Web page, the following action was taken by Mr. Dawes :

Action 4.13 : Mr. Dawes
To prepare a list of current news items concerning PCTE and ECMA TC33, to circulate via
email to all TC33 members, and then to contact Mr. Lauri (Webmaster at the ECMA
Secretariat) to include the agreed news items on the ECMA TC33 Web page.

Status : new

20   Dates and locations of next meetings
It was agreed to hold the next, 5th meeting of WG22 on 16-17 
September 1996, in Hyannis, Cape Cod, near Boston, in the 
context of a week of co-located OMG meetings. The following 
schedule was provisionally agreed, noting that overlaps with 
relevant OMG group meetings need to be avoided and that the 
schedule, and the actual days of WG22 and ECMA TC33 meetings, 
may need to be revised when the detailed OMG schedule becomes 
known :
Monday 16 September (morning) :    WG22 5th plenary meeting
Monday 16 September (afternoon) :  joint meeting of WG22 
and ECMA TC33
Tuesday 17 September (morning) :   ECMA TC33 38th meeting
Tuesday 17 September (afternoon) : joint meeting of WG22 
and ECMA TC33

Action 4.14 : Mr. Brockway
To contact Ms. Bissonnette, OMG Meeting Manager, to request a 
meeting room for the WG22 and TC33 meetings.
Status : done during the meeting (a provisional booking has 
been made for a meeting room on 16-17 September, to be 
confirmed when the final schedule becomes determined)

Action 4.15 : Mr. Minot
To ascertain the schedule of OMG meetings in Hyannis during the 
week of 16-20 September 1996, in order to avoid overlaps 
between key OMG group meetings and WG22 and TC33, and to 
propose any revision that might be necessary to the presently 
envisaged WG22 and TC33 meeting schedule.

Status : new

Action 4.16 : Mr. Brockway
To obtain first preliminary and then final-form venue and 
logistics information from the OMG for the Hyannis meetings.

Status : new

Action 4.17 : Mr. Dawes, Mr. Minot, Mr. Brockway
To prepare agendas and working schedules for the WG22, TC33 and 
joint meetings in Hyannis, and to circulate venue notices and 
agendas to WG22, SC22 and ECMA TC33 in due time.

Status : new

Looking further ahead, the date of 3-4 March 1997 was 
tentatively set for co-located meetings of WG22 and ECMA TC33, 
at a European location. Arrangements will be made in due 

21   Back-ups for project editors
This agenda item had been included to address the need for 
back-ups for project editors for all projects and deliverables 
in WG22. However, WG22 members collectively were not clear as 
to exactly what the back-up requirements are. The Secretary 
expressed his understanding that back-up volunteer persons 
should be identified to take over the tasks of all WG22 project 
editors in the event of a resignation of a current project 
editor. Other WG22 members thought that the back-up requirement 
is limited to ensuring that back-up copies of document files 
are adequately maintained, but that individual persons willing 
and able to act as back-ups need not necessarily be identified 
in advance.
Due to this lack of common understanding, the issue was 
deferred until the next WG22 meeting in Hyannis in September 

Action 4.18 : Mr. Minot
To include an agenda item for the next WG22 meeting on the need 
for back-ups for project editors.

Status : new

22   Other business (addressed in joint session with ECMA 

22.1 CEN transposition of ISO/IEC 13719
Documents on the CEN transposition of ISO/IEC 13719 were noted 
(WG22 N87, N88 and N89).

22.2 An open system architecture for a scaleable and 
extensible software engineering environment
Dr. Bird provided copies of a paper on this subject for the 
information of WG22 and ECMA TC33 members (WG22 N94).

22.3 WG22 email reflector
The situation regarding the email reflector for WG22 was 
reviewed. The reflector provided by Mr. Simonsen at DKUUG 
continues to be operational but ECMA has set up its own email 
reflector. WG22 members considered that, to avoid duplication 
of effort and costs, and to avoid confusion, there should be 
one and only one email reflector. The relative merits of the 
two reflectors, DKUUG and ECMA, were reviewed and the following 
action agreed upon :

Action 4.19 : Mr. Dawes
To contact the ECMA Secretary General Mr. van den Beld, with copy to Mr. Lauri and Mr.
Simonsen, to advise that WG22 wishes to continue to use the DKUUG email reflector, and
delete the ECMA reflector, in view of :
i)   sequence numbers already implemented in the DKUUG reflector but not in the
ECMA reflector,
ii)  there being no in-built size limits on messages passing via the DKUUG reflector
whereas the ECMA reflector would operate with a message size limit, and
iii) a degree of already established familiarity in worldwide use of the DKUUG reflector.
These points will also be mentioned in the TC33 Chairman's report to the ECMA
Coordinating Committee, meeting on 14-15 May 1996.

Status : new

For TC33 members, Mr. Dawes reported that the TC33 email reflector operated until now
by ICL is no longer operational. Instead, messages for TC33 members should therefore be
directed to the ECMA TC33 email reflector, for which the address is : [email protected]

22.4 Paragraph reference numbers in ISO/IEC publications
Mr. Dawes drew attention to the outcome of the issue as to whether paragraph reference
numbers can be permitted in ISO/IEC publications (WG22 N55 : SC22 N1967 and WG22
N70 : SC22 N1997 refer), an issue finally resolved with satisfaction thanks to the initiatives
taken by WG22.

22.5 Publication of fast-tracked ISO/IEC DISs in their original format
Mr. Dawes drew attention to the outcome of the issue as to whether a fast-tracked DIS can
be published by ISO/IEC in the original format of the submitter (WG22 N74 : SC22 N2005 :
JTC1 N3739 refers). Notwithstanding this situation, Mr. Brockway indicated that the ECMA
Secretariat will readily under
take conversions from ECMA to ISO/IEC publication styles, but added that these conversions
can only be made if the documents are made available in a widely-used electronic form
(Word for Windows for example rather than TROFF).
In this regard, Dr. Bird volunteered with thanks to explore the possibilities for converting the
PCTE C binding publication (ISO/IEC 13719-2 idem ECMA-158) from TROFF to Word as
an exercise in his spare time. WG22 and TC33 members expressed their appreciation in
advance, and look forward to hearin
g how things go.

No other business was raised.

23   Close of meeting
Thanks were expressed to Mr. Dawes and BSI for hosting the meetings in London; the 
facilities were excellent and all participants greatly enjoyed the visit. Appreciations were
recorded in Resolution 4.5 (in annex B to these minutes).

Resolutions adopted at
4th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG22 - PCTE
London,  United Kingdom,  15-17 April 1996

Resolution 4.1 : Support for PCTE Schema Definition Sets
SC22/WG22 expresses its support for the work on PCTE Schema 
Definition Sets being driven by Mr. H.F. Davis (United Kingdom) 
as liaison officer from JTC1/SC7/WG11, including the mapping 
strategy for deriving PCTE SDSs from CDIF subject areas, and a 
number of particular PCTE SDSs.

Resolution 4.2 : Nomination of new liaison officer to ECMA TC33
SC22/WG22 appoints Mr. S.J. Dawes (United Kingdom) as liaison 
officer from SC22/WG22 to ECMA TC33, replacing Mr. R. Minot 
(France) who had to relinquish this function.

Resolution 4.3 : Nomination of representatives to Bellevue 
joint workshop
SC22/WG22 appoints Mr. H.F. Davis (United Kingdom) as WG22 
representative to the JTC1-sponsored joint workshop on 
standards for the use of models that define the data and 
processes of information systems, to be held in Bellevue, 
Washington State, USA in September 1996. SC22/WG22 hopes also 
to provide other representatives in due course.

Resolution 4.4 : Preparation of defect report
SC22/WG22 instructs its Project Editor Mr. S.J. Dawes (United 
Kingdom) to prepare a single defect report to cover all 
historic comments made on ISO/IEC 13719, leading eventually to 
a Technical Corrigendum. The defect report will reference a 
larger document where all comments, resolutions, and 
accompanying rationale for resolutions, are documented.

Resolution 4.5 : Appreciations
SC22/WG22 members express their appreciation to all who helped 
make this a well-organized and successful meeting, despite the 
low attendance, in particular :
to John Dawes and BSI for organizing and hosting the meeting at 
the BSI Offices in West London;
to the support staff at BSI for their professionalism, 
efficiency, friendliness, and fine cooking;
to Hugh Davis for taking precious time to present a number of 
attractive and well-worked proposals to the meeting on the eve 
of a long journey across Asia;
to R�gis Minot for Chairing the meeting on the first day, and 
to John Dawes for Chairing the meeting on the second and third 
days, this with efficiency and good humour.

Annex C
Summary of open actions

All open actions from the present and previous minutes are 
indicated below. Those concerned by these actions should refer 
to the accompanying discussion, and to any applicable target 
dates for the actions, as given in the minutes.

Action 1.12 : Mr. Yoshino, Mr. Simonsen, Dr. Bird
For the way forward on comment EP-4310 on multi-byte character 
set, Mr. Yoshino, Mr. Simonsen and Dr. Bird agreed to pursue 
the remaining details to be resolved by email.

Action 3.1 : Mr. Dawes
To provide WG22 with a copy of a draft from WG11 on guidelines 
for the production of language-independent service 
specifications. A first complete draft may already be 

Action 3.10 : Mr. Davis
To put his one remaining outstanding FG comment on the WG22 
email reflector, with a suitable deadline (at least one month) 
for comments. A subsequent specific proposal may then be 
formulated, again with a suitable deadline (six weeks for 
example) for WG22 members to respond.

Action 3.17 : Mr. Minot
With regard to SC22 Annapolis Resolution 95-36, to confirm the 
situation with Mr. Simonsen and report back to SC22.

Action 3.18 : Mr. Simonsen
The Web page created with thanks by Mr. Simonsen looked good to 
WG22 members; it was suggested and agreed that an additional 
link be made to the OMG Liaison SC's Web page when it's set up.

Action 4.1 : Mr. Dawes
To study what if anything needs to be done in using DDL to 
define standard SDSs.

Action 4.2 : Mr. Minot
To update the OMG liaison text for SC22/WG22 (WG22 N48) and 
send it to Dr. Jon Siegel, Director Domain Technology at OMG, 
with advice on how to proceed in obtaining Category C liaison 
status for OMG in SC22 with regard to WG22, if OMG interest is 

Action 4.3 : Mr. Minot
To contact those responsible for arrangements for the 
JTC1-sponsored joint workshop in Bellevue, Washington State in 
September 1996 on standards for the use of models that define 
the data and processes of information systems. In particular, 
to advise the interest and wish to participate from WG22 and to 
pre-register interested WG22 members.

Action 4.4 : Dr. Bird
To contact Mr. Simonsen, as WG22's liaison officer to SC22/WG20 
on internationalization, in regard to what impact OMG's 
internationalization of CORBA IDL could have on the future 
envisaged JTC1 DIS ballot on CORBA IDL (following the 
successful SC21 CD 14750 ballot), also noting the OMG RfP as 
indicated on the CD 14750 ballot version (SC21 N9827), and also 
in regard to (in)compatibility of OMG's internationalization of 
CORBA IDL with respect to the internationalization work on PCTE 
already accomplished by ECMA and JTC1.

Action 4.5 : Mr. Dawes
To advise the ECMA Secretariat on the impact that OMG's internationalization of CORBA
IDL could have on the intended JTC1 fast-track of ECMA-230, before the ECMA General
Assembly meeting in June 1996.

Action 4.6 : Mr. Dawes
To write to the submitter of the comment (WG22 N95) on 
concurrency and integrity control in the FG extensions abstract 
specification, advising the decision taken by WG22, and then to 
input the result of WG22 discussion as commentary into the 
future SC22 PDAM ballot.

Action 4.8 : Mr. Minot, Mr. Brockway
To contact the Chairman and Secretary of SC22 to pave the way 
(if possible according to SC22 procedures) for concurrent 
registration and approval ballots in SC22 on the three OO 
PDAMs, which can be expected to be ready for launching in June 
or July 1996.

Action 4.9 : Dr. Bird, Mr. Grosselin, Mr. Minot
To examine whether resources can be assigned for work on a C++ 
binding, either taking the CORBA C++ mapping route or 

Action 4.10 : Dr. Bird, Mr. Dawes
To work together to bring the open systems SEE query language 
paper (WG22 N93) into the format of the ECMA and JTC1 
standardization world, for a PCTE query facility, with a view 
to progression as an ECMA standard and onwards processing in 

Action 4.11 : Mr. Dawes
To prepare one single defect report to cover all EP comments 
pre- and post- EP-5000, leading eventually to a Technical 
Corrigendum to ISO/IEC 13719. This single defect report will be 
a simple form referencing the larger document where all 
comments, resolutions, and accompanying rationale for 
resolutions, are documented, this being a new and up-to-date 
version of the previous document (WG22 N61).

Action 4.12 : Mr. Dawes
To record the results of resolution of defects from the London 
meeting in a separate paper.

Action 4.13 : Mr. Dawes
To prepare a list of current news items concerning PCTE and 
ECMA TC33, to circulate via email to all TC33 members, and then 
to contact Mr. Lauri (Webmaster at the ECMA Secretariat) to 
include the agreed news items on the ECMA TC33 Web page.

Action 4.15 : Mr. Minot
To ascertain the schedule of OMG meetings in Hyannis during the 
week of 16-20 September 1996, in order to avoid overlaps 
between key OMG group meetings and WG22 and TC33, and to 
propose any revision that might be necessary to the presently 
envisaged WG22 and TC33 meeting schedule.

Action 4.16 : Mr. Brockway
To obtain first preliminary and then final-form venue and 
logistics information from the OMG for the Hyannis meetings.

Action 4.17 : Mr. Dawes, Mr. Minot, Mr. Brockway
To prepare agendas and working schedules for the WG22, TC33 and 
joint meetings in Hyannis, and to circulate venue notices and 
agendas to WG22, SC22 and ECMA TC33 in due time.

Action 4.18 : Mr. Minot
To include an agenda item for the next WG22 meeting on the need 
for back-ups for project editors.

Action 4.19 : Mr. Dawes
To contact the ECMA Secretary General Mr. van den Beld, with 
copy to Mr. Lauri and Mr. Simonsen, to advise that WG22 wishes 
to continue to use the DKUUG email reflector, and delete the 
ECMA reflector, in view of :
i)   sequence numbers already implemented in the DKUUG 
reflector but not in the ECMA reflector,
ii)  there being no in-built size limits on messages passing 
via the DKUUG reflector whereas the ECMA reflector would 
operate with a message size limit, and
iii) a degree of already established familiarity in 
worldwide use of the DKUUG reflector.
These points will also be mentioned in the TC33 Chairman's 
report to the ECMA Coordinating Committee, meeting on 14-15 May 

__________________________end of document SC22 N2179__________________