Resolutions passed
Resolution A: Division of POSIX projects 14515 and 22.21
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 approves the division of project 14515, POSIX test
methods, as shown below, and the further division of work within project
22.21, POSIX, to separate batch service amendments for all three parts of
this document (shell and utility, System API and System Administration), so
that the full programme of work for WG15 POSIX becomes
Project # Title
9945-0 POSIX Language Independent Specification System Interface [LIS]
9945-1 System Interface C Language binding Real time extensions Real time extensions threads Transparent file access Protocol independent interface Directory services Batch services
22.39 Extensions to base
22.40 Extensions to real time
22.42 Security amendment
9945-2 Shell & Utilities Shell & Utilities base User Portability Extension Batch services
22.41 Additional utilities
22.43 Security Amendment
xxxxx System Administration System Administration Overview Batch Services Print Services Software Administration User & Group Administration
Language Bindings Ada Language binding Fortran Language binding
Guide/Technical Reports
22.38 TR Guide to POSIX OSE
Test Methods
22.37 CD13210 Test Methods
14515 Test Methods for POSIX base standards
14515-1 System Interface Test Methods
1.01 Initial System API {TM for}
1.02 Real time extensions {TM for}
14515-2 Shell & Utilities Test Methods
{TM for and as one document}
Resolution B: NP, Guide for POSIX national profiles and locales
notes that not all national body comments have been incorporated in
the new work item proposal in document N1625, Guide for POSIX
national profiles and national locales; and
instructs WG15 - POSIX to submit a revised version of this NP to the
SC22 secretariat for a consultative letter ballot.
Resolution C: Invitation to CEN/TC304
recognises the interest within the subcommittee in establishing a
working arrangement with CEN/TC304, based on the "Vienna Agreement";
and therefore
invites CEN/TC304 to designate up to two individuals to attend
meetings of SC22 and its WGs, with particular reference to WG15 -
POSIX and to WG20 - Internationalization.
Resolution D: Appointment of project editors
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 confirms the appointment of the following project
Mr Richard Maine, for the 1995 revision of IS 1539:1991 Fortran;
Mr Craig Schaffert, for Language Independent Arithmetic Part 1;
Mr. Paul Rabin, for WG11 - Language Independent Service
Mr Jon Spencer, for WG15 - POSIX projects; and
Mr Kent Pitman, for WG16 - Lisp.
Resolution E1: Reappointment of WG conveners
confirms the reappointment of the following WG conveners:
Dr Leroy Dickey, for WG3 - APL;
Mr Mark Woodman, for WG13 - Modula-2;
Mr Roger Scowen, for WG17 - Prolog;
confirms the reappointment of the following WG conveners, subject to
endorsement by their national body:
Ms Ann Wallace, for WG4 - Cobol;
Dr P.J. Plauger, for WG14 - C;
Mr Jim Isaak, for WG15 - POSIX; and
appoints Ms Jeanne Martin as acting convener for WG5 - Fortran, until
a successor can be identified and appointed.
Resolution E2: Reappointment of convener of WG16 - Lisp
confirms the reappointment of Mr Christian Queinnec as convener of
WG16 - Lisp; but
nevertheless expresses concern at the inadequate communication
between the WG16 convener and SC22, as indicated for example by the
absence from this meeting either of the convener himself, or of
another active member of WG16 as his alternate.
Resolution F: CD Registration of POSIX Test Methods
Resolution G: Expediting IS publication
notes with concern the comments by the convener of WG18 - FIMS on the
delays in publication of ISO/IEC 11730 which occurred after the
successful DIS ballot;
requests its chairman to raise this matter at the Subcommittee
Chairmen's Forum to be held in conjunction with the forthcoming
Geneva JTC1 Plenary meeting, with the goal of eliminating such delays
in the future; and
instructs its secretariat to inform the appropriate WG convener of
the publication of each standard, immediately on being informed of
that publication, and also to notify SC22 to that effect.
Resolution H: Establishment of WG22 - PCTE
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 notes with pleasure the successful outcome of the ballot
resolution meeting for DIS 13719 Portable Common Tools Environment (PCTE)
in Geneva, and assigns project 22.47 to a new working group, WG22 - PCTE,
with the following terms of reference:
to maintain and develop the three parts of the ISO/IEC 13719 PCTE
to develop further standards, complementary to that standard
and directs WG22 - PCTE to establish appropriate working relationships with
other organisations involved in PCTE development, such as ECMA/TC33; and
to establish liaisons with other JTC1 bodies that are working in related
fields, such as SC21/WG3 - Database and SC7/WG11 - Software engineering
data description.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 further
accepts the offer of France for the nomination of Mr R�gis Minot as
convener of WG22 - PCTE;
accepts the offer of UK for the nomination of Mr John Dawes as
project editor for WG22 - PCTE;
and, subject to endorsement by a national body, accepts the ECMA
proposal to provide the secretariat of WG22 - PCTE.
Resolution I: Disbandment of WG2 - Pascal
notes that the work of WG2 - Pascal has now essentially been comple-
therefore disbands WG2 with effect from 1995-04-30; and
accepts the offer from the US member body to undertake the future
maintenance of the Pascal standards with effect from 1995-05-01, and
requests the US to nominate a project editor.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 expresses its warm thanks to all present and past members
of WG2 - Pascal, and in particular to David Joslin for his services as
Resolution J: Subdivision of APL projects
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 authorises the subdivision of projects 22.09 APL and
22.24.01 Extended APL to allow the production of amendments on use of
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, as follows:
22.09.01 Programming language APL
22.09.02 Character repertoire of APL
22.24.01 Programming language Extended APL
22.24.02 Character repertoire of Extended APL
Resolution K: Fortran 95 CD
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 authorises concurrent ballots for CD registration and CD
approval of the revision of ISO/IEC 1539:1991 Fortran ("Fortran 95") and
instructs its secretariat to circulate the ballots accordingly.
Resolution L: (Moved to resolution S)
Resolution M: Disbandment of WG8 - Basic
notes that the work of WG8 - Basic has now been completed;
therefore disbands WG8 with immediate effect; and
appoints Professor Tom Kurtz as project editor for the Basic stand-
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 expresses its warm thanks to all present and past members
of WG8 - Basic, and in particular to Tom Kurtz for his services as conve-
Resolution N: Disbandment of WG18 - FIMS
notes with regret that the number of active participants in WG18 -
FIMS has fallen to a level which renders WG18 no longer viable;
therefore disbands WG18 with immediate effect;
removes from its programme of work the FIMS projects 22.27.03
(intermediate subset), 22.27.04 (Fortran binding), and 22.27.05
(Ada binding);
appoints Dr Dan Frantz as project editor for the remaining FIMS
projects, 22.27.01 (FIMS) and 22.27.02 (COBOL binding); and
invites the US member body to submit any future US FIMS standards for
fast-track processing.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 expresses its warm thanks to all present and past members
of WG18 - FIMS, and in particular to Dan Frantz for his services as conve-
Resolution O: WG19: assignment of Z project and change of title
notes with pleasure that the interim assignment of project 22.45
(Specification Language Z) to WG19 - VDM-SL has worked successfully,
and with tangible benefits to both projects;
reconfirms this project assignment to WG19 on a permanent basis;
changes the title of WG19 to "Formal Specification Languages"; and
amends WG19's terms of reference to read "develop and coordinate the
content of ISO standards for formal specification languages within
the scope of SC22".
Resolution P1: WG20 - Internationalization, PDTR
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 approves the PDTR registration of a revised version
(equivalent to WG20/N277R) of N1644, Framework and requirements for
internationalization, as PDTR 11017.
Resolution P2: WG20 - Internationalization, liaison
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 appoints Mr Keld Simonsen as liaison from WG20 -
Internationalization to ISO TC37/SC2/WG3.
Resolution Q: Use of IT in JTC1
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 instructs its secretariat to forward document DH11-Rev2
concerning JTC1 N3034, "JTC1 Strategy for Implementation of Information
Technology", to JTC1 for its consideration at the October 1994 plenary
meeting, Ad Hoc Group C.
(N.B. JTC1 N3034 was distributed to SC22 as N1624.)
Resolution R: 1994 periodic review of SC22 standards
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22, having taken into account the views expressed in
document N1649, affirms its decisions regarding the periodical review of
standards, and makes the following recommendations to JTC1:
that ISO/IEC 9496:1989 CHILL be revised (it is noted that a revised
version has already been submitted by ITU-T for JTC1 fast-track
that ISO/IEC 6373:1989 Minimal BASIC be withdrawn; and
that ISO/IEC 8485:1989 APL be confirmed.
Resolution S: 1995 periodical review of SC22 standards
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 makes the following recommendations:
that ISO/IEC 9899:1990 C be revised;
that ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 POSIX System Interface be revised;
that ISO/IEC 6160:1987 PL/I be confirmed;
that ISO/IEC 7846:1985, Industrial Real Time Fortran, be withdrawn;
that ISO/IEC 7185:1990 Pascal be confirmed; and
that ISO/IEC TR 10034:1990, Guidelines for the preparation of
conformity clauses in programming language standards, be confirmed.
Resolution T: Continuation of projects
notes that the projects itemised below have exceeded the statutory
time for proceeding from WD to CD stage;
notes, however, that significant progress has been made on these
projects, and there is no reason to suppose that they will not be
having reviewed the situation in each case, accepts the explanations
that have been presented by the respective WG conveners for why
further time is needed in the case of these lengthy and complex
documents; and therefore
authorises the extension by one year of the time permitted for
proceeding from the WD to the CD stage, for the following projects: POSIX system interface (LIS) Transparent file access Protocol independent interface Directory services
22.30.01 Framework for internationalization Functionality for internationalization
22.32 C++
Resolution U: Division of work for functionality of internationalization
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 approves the division of project,
Functionality of the internationalization of applications, to allow the
development within the project of a standard for the specification of
cultural conventions, as follows: Functionality of the internationalization of applications Specification of cultural conventions
Resolution V: Implementation of policies on cross-language issues
notes the support recorded in document N1648 for the proposed
policies for the management of cross-language issues contained in
document N1493, which were approved without objection;
instructs its WG conveners to ensure that these recommendations are
taken into account in the work of their groups; and
requests its national bodies to recognise the adoption of these
Resolution W: Proposed Technical Corrigendum for Full Basic
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 requests the project editor for ISO/IEC 10279:1991, Full
Basic, to prepare a Draft Technical Corrigendum based on document N1189
(ANSI X3 Technical Information Bulletin 1), and to submit it to the SC22
secretariat for circulation and letter ballot on approval.
Resolution X: International Standardized Profiles
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 requests its chairman to discuss DH8, Guidelines for the
production of International Standardized Profiles by an SC, at the
Subcommittee Chairmen's Forum to be held in conjunction with the
forthcoming Geneva JTC 1 Plenary meeting.
Resolution Y: Language Independent Procedure Calling
notes that the adoption of a new DIS for OSI Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) seems likely to result in nonalignment with the SC22 project
Language Independent Procedure Calling (LIPC); and
directs WG11 - Binding Techniques to assess the impact of the changes
in RPC on the alignment of LIPC and RPC, and inform SC22 of its
findings, no later than the submission of DIS 13886 LIPC (or a second
CD with revised text) for letter ballot.
Resolution Z: SC22 long-term strategy
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 instructs its secretariat to distribute document DH12R to
SC22 national bodies and WGs, with a request for national body and WG
contributions on the six consolidated problem statements that the document
Resolution AA: Project editor "backup"
SC22 instructs its working group conveners to ensure that for every project
editor there is a second person in a different organization who, at each
stage in development, is able to edit and print a correct version of all
current working documents assigned to the respective project editor.
Resolution ZA: Appreciation: SC22 secretariat
thanks the Standards Council of Canada for offering to support the
SC22 secretariat for a further period;
reaffirms the appreciation for Mr Joseph C�t� expressed in SC22
resolution 301 of its 1993 Paris plenary, and further thanks him for
serving as SC22 secretariat for an additional year;
welcomes Mr Ed Borkovsky as the incoming SC22 secretariat, and looks
forward to a happy and fruitful partnership.
Resolution ZB: Appreciation: General
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 expresses its appreciation to all those who have assisted
in the work of this meeting, and in particular
- to the companies and institutions that sponsored the meeting, namely
the Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut, Delft University of Technology,
West Consulting, Delft, and Syllogic B.V., with particular mention of
Mr Jan Barendse of NNI for his welcoming remarks at the dinner;
- to Mr Kees Pronk for his organization of the meeting, and Mrs Ren�e
Lobry and Mr Richard Gerritsen for their secretariat services;
- to Mr Jan van den Beld and his ECMA colleagues for their informative
presentation on the Windows API project;
- to the ad hoc meeting conveners, namely Ms Kate Schell
(Internationalization), Mr Roger Scowen (Implementation of IT), and Mr
Andrew Walker (Long-term strategic issues);
- to the drafting committee members, namely Mr Scott Jameson, drafting
committee chair, Mr Toshiaki Kurokawa, Mr Keld Simonsen, Mr Graham
Warren, and Mr Brian Meek for their editing services, and to Mr Bruce
Rosen for his valuable assistance to the drafting committee; and
- to Mr Bob Follett for again chairing the meeting with his customary
efficiency, diplomacy, and good humour.