Draft 4, 3 June 2005, Jim Moore. Incorporates changes from Randy, Kiyoshi, Clyde, Joyce, Pascal, Urs, and John. Additional details have been added regarding discussions in the Committee of the Whole.

This is the final draft prior to the meeting.

Draft Detailed Agenda
Meeting #48 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9
Friday, 24 June 2005
York, UK

The next meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 will colocate with the Ada-Europe conference. In a change from our usual practice, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 2:15 pm and may run into the early evening. I am expecting that a data projector will be provided for the meeting.

Conference and venue information can be found at the conference web site.

The announcement and preliminary agenda for this meeting were circulated as N449.



Detailed Agenda Items

Opening Orders, Jim Moore, Convener

Call to Order

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 2:15 pm.

Welcoming Remarks by Host

Our host for the meeting is Ada-Europe.

Appointment of Meeting Secretary

The convener would appreciate a volunteer to take notes during the meeting.

Approval of Agenda

The meeting agenda is shown here.

Approval of Minutes of Meeting #46


The draft minutes of Meeting #47 are recorded in document N448


Discussion .
Resolution [Resolution 48-1]


National Body Introductions and Reports


National Body Representatives:

Belgium Dirk Craeynest (HOD) Report
Canada  Steve Michell (HOD) Report
France Jean-Pierre Rosen (HOD), Pascal Leroy Report
Germany Erhard Ploedereder (HOD) Report
Italy Tullio Vardanega (HOD) Report
Japan Kiyoshi Ishihata (HOD) Report
Switzerland Urs Mauer (HOD) Report
UK John Barnes (HOD), Alan Burns Report
USA Joyce Tokar (HOD), Randy Brukardt Report

Liaison Representatives

Ada-Europe Erhard Ploedereder
SIGAda David Harrison

WG9 Officers:

Convener Jim Moore
Webmaster Clyde Roby (unable to attend)
ARG Rapporteur Pascal Leroy
ASIS RG Rapporteur Currie Colket (unable to attend)
HRG Rapporteur Alan Burns
Project Editors
ISO/IEC 8652: Erhard Ploedereder, Randy Brukardt, and Pascal Leroy
ISO/IEC 13813 and 13814: Don Sando, Jon Squire and Ken Dritz (all unable to attend)
ISO/IEC 15291: Clyde Roby and Greg Gicca (both unable to attend)
ISO/IEC TR 15942: Brian Wichman (unable to attend)
ISO/IEC 18009: Erhard Ploedereder

Other Attendees:

 Observers:  Ahlan Marriott (President, Ada in Switzerland)

Those sending regrets include:  Clyde Roby, Currie Colket

HOD Reports:

Belgium No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Canada No written report submitted as of 2 June.
France No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Germany No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Italy No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Japan No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Switzerland No written report submitted as of 2 June.
UK No written report submitted as of 2 June.
US  No written report submitted as of 2 June.


Liaison Reports

Report of Ada-Europe Liaison Representative, Erhard Ploedereder

Background Ada-Europe is a Category C Liaison to WG9 [See N414]
Prior Discussion

Minutes of Meeting #47 [N448]:

Erhard Ploedereder reported ... that the Ada Europe conference is scheduled for 20-24 June 2005, in York, UK, and welcomed WG9 to colocate its meeting.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.


Report of SIGAda Liaison Representative, Currie Colket

Background SIGAda is a Category C Liaison to WG9 [See N414]
Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #43 [N418]:

Clyde Roby made a presentation on a method to deal with APIs. Clyde's presentation will be posted on the WG9 web site as N419.

There were some comments regarding the assurance that SIGAda has the proper rights to republish the artifacts. Erhard noted that an API may be an Ada binding to an implementation in another language or a standalone Ada implementation. Jim noted that "Stamp of Approval" concept might lead to anti-trust problems. "Choosing or Judging" would be an antitrust problem. This should be done under WG9 auspices.

Erhard noted that there should be a long-term program to collect APIs; and a short-term program to select some APIs into Ada 200Y. Make sure that this is clear to participants. Only a few will be selected for the Ada Amendment.

From Minutes of Meeting #44 [N428]:

Clyde Roby reported on the formation of a SIGAda API WG at WG9's last meeting. This work is proceeding. Information has been posted to a web page. Material from previous groups is being gathered. They are starting work on CGI and XML interfaces. XML seems to be active also. Some issues remain regarding licensing. API WG will be formally approved soon.

From Minutes of Meeting #47 [N448]:

Currie Colket reported that SIGAda has named a chair, Geoff Smith, of its APIWG (Application Programming Interface Working Group) to replace Clyde Roby who has been acting in the role. Geoff will lead an effort to update the draft charter and to gain its approval by SIGAda.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.


Convener's Report


End of Convener's Term

It should be noted that my third term as convener will end with the SC22 plenary of September 2006. Considering the two years spent as acting convener, I will have served for eleven years in all. The procedure for filling the position is for the US to nominate a person who must then be confirmed by SC22. If the US cannot find a candidate, then the convenership will be made available to other national bodies.

Correspondence with Unaffiliated Individuals

The convener has been in correspondence with two individuals who are not affiliated with national bodies or with any liaison organizations. In such cases, the convener refers such individuals to their respective national bodies so their viewpoints may be appropriately considered.

JTC1 and SC22 Vocabulary Projects

Both JTC1 and SC22 have determined the need to update their long-obsolete terminology standards. At their Sep 2004 plenary, SC22 asked its working groups to submit the definitions clause of each of their standards. Here is a summary of WG9 responses:

  • 8652 has only in-line definitions, most of which seem very specific to Ada. The convener submitted the informative glossary.
  • 15291 is in a similar situation. Working with the editor, Clyde Roby, the convener submitted the informative glossary.
  • 15942 was determined to contain no definitions.
  • 18009: the convener submitted the definitions clause.
  • 24718: the editor, Alan Burns, submitted the definitions clause.

New Directions for SC22

At the SC22 plenary, a study group was created to consider possible new projects for SC22. I serve as a member of this study group and am leading a sub-group to consider standards or technical reports regarding language subsets or usage guidelines in software systems with critical characteristics, such as safety or security. The sub-group has primarily focused on a document that would provide a list of vulnerabilities that are common to many languages or specific to a few languages. The document would describe linguistic means to avoid the vulnerability of extra-linguistic means to mitigate thre risk. The initial report of the study group was submitted to an ad hoc group on Future Directions for SC22. That group encouraged the preparation of a New Work Item Proposal. Additional information on this work can be found at the web site of the SC22 High Integrity Ad Hoc Group.

Future of ASIS

In order to remain useful, the ASIS standard, ISO/IEC 15291, must be updated to reflect the amendment to ISO/IEC 8652. A discussion of that issue has been scheduled for later in the meeting.

Publication and Free Availability of TR 24718

ISO/IEC TR 24718 has been published by ISO Central Secretariat. SC22 and JTC1 have endorsed free availability. The request awaits action by ITTF and ISO Central Secretariat.

Reconsideration of JTC1 Confirmation of ISO/IEC 13814

After a somewhat convoluted series of events, JTC1 has agreed with WG9's request to withdraw ISO/IEC 13814. The result of their voting is documented in 22N3752, Summary of Voting on JTC 1 N 7405, SC 22 Request to JTC 1 to Reconsider the Decision to Confirm ISO/IEC 13814. WG9 awaits implementation by ITTF and ISO Central Secretariat.

Confirmation of 15291 and 18009 and Needed Confirmation of 8652

As requested by WG9 (and endorsed by SC22), ISO/IEC TR 15291 and ISO/IEC 18009 were recommended for "confirmation" by JTC1 in its most recent systematic review. The recommendations go to ITTF for decision and to ISO Central Secretariat for implementation. Also, ISO/IEC 8652 is reaching the end of its second five-year review period. Accordingly, a motion has been drafted recommending confirmation for that standard.

Vernacular Name of the Language and Publication of a new Edition of the Ada Language Standard

The convener is aware that discussion of these issues has occurred in the ARG. The convener believes that any decisions regarding these issues should be made at the WG9 level. Accordingly, discussion has been scheduled for later in the meeting.

Schedule for Consideration of Amendment

The most current schedule has been included in the material related to the ARG report.

Future of WG9

With the completion of the amendment to the Ada language standard, it may be appropriate for WG9 to consider changing its methods of operation. A discussion has been scheduled for later in this meeting.

Discussion .


Summary of Action Items and Unimplemented Resolutions

This is the "To Do" list for WG9. Some are informal action items assigned to various participants. Some are formal resolutions, which are not yet implemented. Some are suspense items awaiting action by other groups.

Resolution 40-6

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Generic packages of real and complex type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and matrix types) 

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be withdrawn when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13814:1998 Generic package of complex elementary functions for Ada 

For status, see: [Project Editor Maintenance Report, 13813]

Resolution 44-6:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor

CLOSED: For details, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 18009]

Resolution 44-7:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS)

CLOSED: For details, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 15291]

Action Item 46-1:

(Rapporteur of ASIS RG): Draft a new work item proposal for the revision of the ASIS standard, ISO/IEC 15291.

For status, see [Report of ASIS Rapporteur Group]

Action Item 46a-3

(Brian Wichmann: Editor, ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

CLOSED: For status, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report 15942]

Action Item 46a-4

(Clyde Roby: Editor, ISO/IEC 15291:1999):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

CLOSED: For status, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report 15291]

Action Item 46a-5

(Erhard Ploedereder: Editor, ISO/IEC 18009:1999):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

CLOSED: For status, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report, 18009]

Action Item 46a-6

(Alan Burns: Editor, DTR 24718):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

CLOSED: For status, see [Project Editor Maintenance Report, 24718]

Action Item 47-1

[Convener] Request SC22 to endorse free availability of the Ravenscar Guide, ISO/IEC TR 24718.

For status, see: [Project Editor Maintenance Report, 24718]

Action Item 47-2

[Convener] Determine if processing of the Amendment can be accelerated by combining votes at the SC22 level.

CLOSED: On 13 January 2005, the convener advised WG9 that the schedule already incorporated all permitted means of acceleration..

Action Item 47-3

[ASIS Rapporteur] At next meeting of WG9, report on vitality of ASIS RG and recommend any changes in duties to facilitate the update of ASIS to Ada 2005.

For status, see [ Report of ASIS Rapporteur ]

Resolution 47-6:

WG9 directs its convener to respond to SC22 Resolution 04-15 by sending an edited revision of document WG9 N445 to the Secretariat of SC22. [Convener's note: The edited revision of the document is N447.]

CLOSED: The document was circulated by the SC22 Secretariat as SC22 N3834, WG 9 Explanatory Report Regarding SC 22 Resolution 04-15, 2004-12-01.


Scheduling of Meetings


Resolution 47-3 scheduled "Meeting #49 in conjunction with the 2005 SIGAda conference, Thursday, 17 November 2005, Atlanta, Georgia, USA."

The resolution offered below merely confirms the previous resolution and adds the intent to meet with Ada-Europe in 2006.

Resolution [Resolution 48-3


Report of Ada Rapporteur Group, Pascal Leroy (Rapporteur)


WG9 N406: Procedures of the ARG

WG9 N412: Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652.

WG9 N423: Convener's Comments on Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652

WG9 N437: ARG Rapporteur’s Proposal for Defining Scope of Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995

Resolution 44-4 of N428: The convener directs the chair of the ARG to send the list of AIs intended for submission to WG9 to NB and liaison representatives at the time they enter the 'editorial review' state. It would then be the duty of each NB and liaison representative to circulate this information within their own organization for the purpose of developing a position for the forthcoming meeting of WG9.

SC22 Resolution 02-24: Recommendation on Coded Character Sets Support:
JTC 1/SC 22 believes that programming languages should offer the appropriate support for ISO/IEC 10646, and the Unicode character set where appropriate.

SC22 Resolution 04-15: Coded Character Sets:
JTC 1/SC 22 agrees that the proposed implementation of coded character set support
described in document N 3758 agrees with the principles for coded character set support previously adopted by SC 22, notably resolution 02-24. JTC 1/SC 22 instructs WG 9 to consider referencing ISO/IEC TR 10176 Annex A in the revision of the Ada language standard.

WG9 N447, Explanatory Report re SC22 Resolution 04-15

From Minutes of Meeting #46 [N440]:

At its San Diego meeting, WG9 considered the best way to proceed with standardization of APIs, and recommended the use of Technical Reports or International Workshop Agreements to reach agreement on APIs (see resolution 45-6). ... At this point it appears that AI95-00302-03 will likely be part of the Amendment, and that there is no need to start an alternative standardization process.

As directed by WG9, the Rapporteur has prepared a document presenting the scope of the Amendment. In general, the AIs mentioned in this document either have either been approved by WG9 or are very close to approval. However, some of them still require technical refinement before the ARG can decide whether to include them in the Amendment. Others are controversial. In both cases, the AIs have been included in the scope document with the understanding that this inclusion is provisional.

Resolution 46-8:

WG9 approves the scope of Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 8652:1995 as defined by N437 and requests the ARG to initiate preparation and circulation of draft text of the Amendment.

From Minutes of Meeting #47 [N448]:

The Ada Rationale will include a note explaining why the Amendment references IS 10646 regarding character set coding rather than TR 10176. [Document N447 is relevant.] ...

Alan Burns asked about the schedule for processing the Amendment. The convener replied that WG9 must approve the amendment--either at a meeting or by an email ballot. Then the processing is similar to approving a standard. Approval by JTC1 would probably occur in early 2006. The Convener took an action item, 47-2, to determine if processing could be accelerated by combining votes at the SC22 level. [It was subsequently determined that no further improvement could be made.]

From email note from convener, 22 March 2005:

...Pascal Leroy has advised me that the preparation of the amendment to 8652 may not be completed by mid-May. He has suggested that I prepare an alternative plan for moving forward. That is the subject of this note.

I believe that it is necessary for WG9 to review the document in two stages. The first stage is a constructive review, intended to find any remaining blemishes in the document. During this stage, it might be appropriate to "socialize" the draft by giving it wider circulation within the nations represented in WG9. (Formally, this socialization occurs at the "enquiry" stage of SC22 balloting -- but that's too late for us.)

The second stage is the formal approval by WG9. If this falls after our meeting, it would be an email ballot. Because of ISO rules, the ballot would have a minimum length of 30 days. I would not expect comments from this ballot, simply a position: yes/no/abstain.

Therefore, I anticipate following this notional schedule, assuming that T is the date upon which the draft is released to WG9 by the ARG:

T through T+30: Informal review by member bodies and "socialization" to the public, resulting in minor comments.

T+30 through T+60: ARG makes changes based on received comments.

T+60 through T+90: Email letter ballot for WG9 approval.

After these steps, the document goes to SC22 and then JTC1 for their approval. The "speed of light" for these steps is 6 months. So, if the ARG releases the draft to WG9 on June 1, the earliest possible date for approval of the amendment would be March 31, 2006.

From email note of convener, 16 May 2005:

As we approach the end-game for the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652, it is important for us to handle the document so that intellectual property rights are appropriately conveyed. This is performed through a "contribution" to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/ WG 9. In this case, the contribution is made by the US National Body.

The text of the draft amendment is currently the property of AXE Consultants. It was prepared under a contract initiated by The MITRE Corporation at the direction of the US Department of Defense. AXE Consultants has been coordinating with WG9's Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG) to ensure that the draft meets the requirements of the ARG as specified in their disposition of Ada Issues. The document will also be informally circulated to WG9 for comment. After dealing with the comments, a draft will be produced that carries the copyright of AXE Consultants.

When the time is appropriate to make the contribution, AXE Consultants will provide the document to the TAG Administrator, Robert Pritchard, of the IEEE. The document will be covered by a letter that explains that the document carries the AXE copyright in order to clarify the unfettered right of AXE Consultants to make the contribution, that AXE Consultants understands that the AXE copyright statement will be removed, and that an ISO copyright statement will be affixed to the document resulting from the JTC 1 balloting process.

Dr. Pritchard will forward the document to the "ISO Team" at ANSI. ANSI will send the document to the SC22 Secretariat--the formal "contribution". The SC22 Secretariat will forward the document to the Convener of WG9. The Convener will cover the document with a note explaining the situation with the AXE copyright and will then commence a formal WG ballot to approve sending the draft to SC22 for balloting.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Discussion .
Resolutions [ Resolution 48-2 ]


Report of ASIS Rapporteur Group, Currie Colket (Rapporteur)

Background WG9 N417: Charter of the ASIS Rapporteur Group (ASISRG)
Open Item: Action Item 46-1

(Rapporteur of ASIS RG): Draft a new work item proposal for the revision of the ASIS standard, ISO/IEC 15291.

Status: Open

Open Item: Action Item 47-3

[ASIS Rapporteur] At next meeting of WG9, report on vitality of ASIS RG and recommend any changes in duties to facilitate the update of ASIS to Ada 2005.

Status: Open

Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #41 [N400]:

ASIS RG is considering the preparation of a New Work Item Proposal to revise and extend ASIS to keep pace with Ada 2005. The ASIS RG may reconsider some of the design goals for the specification.

From Minutes of Meeting #42 [N409r]:

Currie Colket reported that the ASIS RG has begun planning for the development of amendments to the ASIS standard in coordination with the planned amendment to the Ada standard.

From Minutes of Meeting #46 [N448]:

It was noted that Action Item 46-1, NWI for revision of ASIS, has not been done by Currie; France concerned about timeframe for obtaining new ASIS; we really should have started by now; Ada 200Y is sufficiently stabilized now that work can go on; if IBM doesn't get an ASIS in a reasonable time after Ada 200Y, then they will be forced to define their own - what can we do to accelerate progress? Currie will send NWI to ASISWG. France concerned that the new ASIS should be started now - Ada is pretty well defined now. IBM is willing to have someone participate (Gary Barnes), but needs to be an active group. Currie will try to get some activities jump-started before Xmas. After Jim asked Currie if there's still life in ASISWG, he responded that he had been overloaded for awhile. If ASISRG is lacking resources, maybe ARG could help out with resources. Canada suggested that if ARG set aside 1/2-day for ASISRG. France said that if we don't see any progress in 6 months or so, the work might be under ARG, possibly disbanding ASISRG. Athough Currie has taken blame, his heavy activities were SIGAda related. Currie has not asked for help in ASISRG; thus, we conclude that nobody else is working in ASISRG (Jim) and that's the real problem. Currie hasn't been pushing anything to ASISRG because he hasn't seen anything coming out of new Ada related to syntax. We will see where Currie is at at the next meeting.

Currie Colket was assigned action item 47-3, to report on the vitality of the ASIS RG at the next meeting of WG9.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Discussion .
Resolutions .


Report of Annex H Rapporteur Group, Alan Burns (Rapporteur)

Background WG9 N416, Charter of the HRG
Prior Discussion

From email note of Convener, 19 March 2005:

I see that the Ravenscar Guide has been published by ISO Central Secretariat and is available for the price of 176 CHF.

ISO/IEC TR 24718:2005, Information technology -- Programming languages -- Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems,
Technologies de l'information -- Langages de programmation -- Guide pour l'usage de "Ada Ravenscar Profile" dans les systèmes de haute intégrité
(disponible en anglais seulement)

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.
Discussion .
Resolutions None


Project Editor Maintenance Reports


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 8652

Document Status

ISO/IEC 8652:1995 Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada, 22.10.01, Randy Brukardt and Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.

ISO/IEC 8652:1995/COR.1:2001, Technical Corrigendum to Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada, 22.10.01, Randy Brukardt and Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.

Project Status

Working Draft, 8652:1995/AMD.1, Randy Brukardt and Pascal Leroy, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group

The request for subdivision [N388] of Project 22.10.01 was endorsed by WG9 Resolution 40-7 [N389], and approved by SC22 N3310 on 2001-09-12.

Open Item   JTC1, hence SC22, requires a recommendation for the five-year review of the standard: confirm, revise, withdraw. The resolution would make that recommendation to SC22.

From an email from the editor, 2 May 2005:

Working with the ARG (and with funding from the ARA and Ada Europe), I have prepared additional drafts of the Amendment and (consolidated) AARM. As usual, there have been no formal defect reports submitted (a number of informal comments have been submitted to the Ada Comment mailing list).

Discussion .
Resolution [Resolution 48-7]


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 13813 and 13814

Document Status

ISO/IEC 13813:1998, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Generic Packages of Real and Complex Type Declarations and Basic Operations for Ada (including Vector and Matrix Types), 22.10.04, Don Sando and Ken Dritz, Project Editors

The standard addresses the Ada 87 language. WG9 plans to incorporate the substance of this standard in the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995. WG9 has recommended that the 1998 standard be confirmed during the period while the Amendment is under preparation.

ISO/IEC 13814:1998, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Generic Package of Complex Elementary Functions for Ada, 22.10.05, Jon Squire and Ken Dritz, Project Editors

WG9 has voted to withdraw this standard by year-end 2004. (The action awaits implementation by ITTF.) The standard addressed the Ada 87 language and is effectively replaced by the 1995 language standard.

Open Items: Resolution 40-6:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Generic packages of real and complex type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and matrix types) 

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be withdrawn when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13814:1998 Generic package of complex elementary functions for Ada 

Status: OPEN. The recommendations above were endorsed by SC22 Resolution 01-07 at their September 2001 plenary meeting. They have been forwarded to JTC1 for approval (during 2003) and implementation by ITTF (during 2004). This year, however, JTC1 voted to confirm ISO/IEC 13814 rather than withdraw it as requested by WG9 and SC22. The SC22 Secretariat conducted a letter ballot authorizing it to request that JTC1 reconsider its action. Accordingly, the request was sent to JTC1 and JTC1 has responded by circulating a letter ballot (J1N7405) to withdraw the standard. The ballot ended on 22 June 2004 with the decision to recommend withdrawal (22N7451). Implementation awaits action by ITTF.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June.


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 15291

Document Status ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS), 22.15291, Clyde Roby and Greg Gicca, Project Editors, supported by the ASIS Rapporteur Group.
Open Item: Resolution 44-7:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS)

Status: CLOSED. SC22 endorsed this recommendation at its September 2003 plenary. The request was forwarded to JTC1. In its 2004 "systematic review" (JTC 1 N7645, JTC1 voted to confirm the document.

Open Item: Action Item 46a-4

(Clyde Roby: Editor, ISO/IEC 15291:1999):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

Status: CLOSED: After conferring with the project editor, Mr. Roby, the convener sent the following email note on 19 March 2005 to the SC22 Vocabulary Rapporteur:

After studying ISO/IEC 15291, I have found that its definitions clause does not contain any definitions. It simply refers to ISO/IEC 8652 (upon which I have reported separately).

Normative terms are defined in-line of the text. In general, the in-line terms are narrowly defined for the purposes of rigorous specification. Few, if any, seem to have any relevance to programming languages in general.

There is an informative glossary that gathers the more important of the inline definitions. It is my judgment, though, that its contents are too specific to be of use to the SC22 vocabulary project. (So that you may form your own opinion on this issue, I have attached a copy of the glossary.)

So, I would summarize the situation by reporting that ISO/IEC 15291 offers no definitions suitable for the SC22 vocabulary project.

Report No written report submitted as of 2 June..
Resolution .


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC TR 15942

Document Status ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000, Guidance for the Use of Ada in High Integrity Systems, 22.15942, Brian Wichmann, Project Editor, supported by the Annex H Rapporteur Group.
Open Item: SC22 Resolution 04-05

From 2004 SC22 Plenary: Resolution 04-05: Standards for 2005 Periodic Review

JTC 1/SC 22 recommends to JTC 1 that at the end of their 5-year review period, the
following standards and technical report be confirmed … ISO/IEC TR 15942: 2000,
Guidance for the use of Ada Programming Language in High-Integrity Systems.

Status: The request has been forwarded to JTC1 for action during 2005.

Open Item: Action Item 46a-3

(Brian Wichmann: Editor, ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

Status: CLOSED:

Email from Convener to SC22 Vocabulary Rapporteur, 27 Feb 2005:

Upon studying ISO/IEC TR 15942, I have determined that it has no definitions clause.


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 18009

Document Status ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor, 22.18009, Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editor, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.
Open Item: Resolution 44-6

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor

Status: CLOSED:

SC22 endorsed this recommendation at its September 2003 plenary. The request was forwarded to JTC1. In its 2004 "systematic review" (JTC 1 N7645, JTC1 voted to confirm the document.

Open Item: Action Item 46a-5

(Erhard Ploedereder: Editor, ISO/IEC 18009:1999):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

Status: CLOSED:

After conferring with the Project Editor, Dr. Ploedereder, the convener sent the following email on 19 March 2005 to the SC22 Vocabulary Rapporteur:

The attached file contains the definitions that I have extracted from ISO/IEC 18009.

Prior Discussion .


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC TR 24718

Document Status

ISO/IEC TR 24718:2005, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

22.24718, Alan Burns, Project Editor, supported by the Annex H Rapporteur Group

This is a Type 3 Technical Report providing guidance for users.

Open Item: Action Item 47-1

[Convener] Request SC22 to endorse free availability of the Ravenscar Guide, ISO/IEC TR 24718.

Status: Email from Convener, 22 March 2005:

The JTC1 letter ballot on free availability for TR 24718 (the Ravenscar Guide) completed with no objections. The request has been forwarded to ITTF for implementation. It's hard to predict how long this will take.

CLOSE and RE-OPEN as Action Item 47-1A: [Editor, TR 24718] Monitor implementation by ITTF of free availability for ISO/IEC TR 24718.

Open Item: Action Item 46a-6

(Alan Burns: Editor, DTR 24718):

To implement Resolution 04-01 of the 2004 SC22 plenary, each WG9 project editor is instructed to provide comments on 22N3784 and the text (in text format) of any definition clauses of their standard to the SC22 Terminology Chair, Roger Scowen (email: [email protected]) by 7 March 2005.

Status: CLOSED:

The project editor sent the following email on January 17, 2005 to the SC22 Vocabulary Rapporteur:

As editor of TR 24718 I attach in pdf (Word is available if you wish) the part of our report that deals with definitions

Prior Discussion .


Committee of the Whole

Vernacular Name of the Amended Language

This includes the question of whether we should recommend that ISO publish a consolidated document.


From Minutes of Meeting #46 [N440]:

The convener noted that the decision to publish ISO/IEC 8652 as a merged document or separately as base standard, corrigendum, and amendment would be a business decision made by ISO Central Secretariat. If Central Secretariat requests a merged document, the project editor should be prepared to provide one by merging the official ISO standard, corrigendum, and amendment.

From the JTC1 Directives:

15.5.4 At the publication stage [of an Amendment] (see 12.8), the ITTF shall decide, in consultation with the Secretariat of JTC 1 or SC, and bearing in mind both the financial consequences to the organisation and the interests of users of the IS, whether to publish an amendment or a new edition of the IS, incorporating the amendment.

From Maho Takahashi (Ms.), ISO Central Secretariat, 4 May 2005:

If the base standard, corrigendum and amendment were to be merged into a single document, it would be published as ISO/IEC 8652:2006 Ed. 3 (if published in 2006).

Possible Resolutions (phrased by the convener)

WG9 might decide to make a recommendation regarding the vernacular name of the language. Two alternative resolutions seem sensible:

  1. "Recognizing that ISO's publication of the forthcoming Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652 will probably occur in 2006, WG9 determines that an appropriate vernacular designation for the amended language would be 'Ada 2006'."
  2. "Recognizing that ISO's publication dates may vary from the dates of technical completion and recognizing that the term 'Ada 2005' is well-publicized in the community, WG9 determines that an appropriate vernacular designation for the amended language would be 'Ada 2005'."

WG9 might also decide to make a recommendation regarding ISO publication of a consolidated standard. A possible resolution might be:

"Recognizing the difficulty inherent in using a standard that has been published, corrected and amended in three distinct documents, WG9 requests the SC22 Secretariat, in accordance with clause 15.5.4 of the JTC1 Directives, to recommend to ITTF the publication of a new edition of ISO/IEC 8652 that incorporates the base standard, the corrigendum and the amendment. WG9 understands that the designation of a consolidated document would be ISO/IEC 8652:2006 Ed.3 (if published during 2006)."

The Future of WG9

How should WG9 conduct its business in the future? Should we reduce the number of meetings? Should we switch to an email-only style of work? Should we "stabilize" the Ada standard, i.e., decline further maintenance?

The Future of ASIS

What is a practical way to update the ASIS standard to the level of the amended Ada language?

Unfinished Business

[The convener knows of no unfinished business.]


New Business

[As of 3 June, no National Body has indicated a desire to table new business.]


Administrative Actions


We appreciate the comfortable accommodations provided by Ada-Europe. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 48-10]


We appreciate the services of the meeting Secretary. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 48-11]


We appreciate the continuing services of the WG9 Web Master. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 48-12]


According to the JTC1 Directives, Rapporteur Groups serve from meeting to meeting of the parent body. The following resolution continues the existing RGs and appoints their membership until the next meeting of WG9.

[Resolution 48-2]


Review of New Action Items

Action Item 47-1A

[Editor, TR 24718]

Monitor implementation by ITTF of free availability for ISO/IEC TR 24718.

Action Item 48-1 TBD


Final Consideration of Resolutions

[Numbering of resolutions is provisional and will be changed following the meeting.]


Resolution 48-1:

The minutes of Meeting #47 as contained in document N448 are approved.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 48-2:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 continues its three Rapporteur Groups until the next plenary meeting and expresses its grateful appreciation to the Rapporteurs and members for their continuing service. The following are continued as Rapporteurs:

The membership of the ARG is designated to be: Steve Baird, Ted Baker, John Barnes, Randy Brukardt, Alan Burns, Robert Dewar, Gary Dismukes, Robert Duff, Kiyoshi Ishihata, Pascal Leroy, Steve Michell, Erhard Ploedereder, Jean-Pierre Rosen, Ed Schonberg, Tucker Taft, and Joyce Tokar.

The membership of the ASIS Rapporteur Groups is continued.

The membership of the Annex H Rapporteur Group is continued.

The Convener of WG9 is authorized to act for WG9 between meetings in appointing additional members of Rapporteur Groups. In doing so, he shall consult with the Rapporteur and the National Body or Liaison Organization nominating the member.

Rapporteurs are instructed that they may permit other individuals to observe the deliberations of the Rapporteur Group. The admission of observers and the extent of participation permitted to observers are at the discretion of the Rapporteur with the concurrence of the membership of the Rapporteur Group.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 48-3:

WG9 schedules future meetings as follows:

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Work Programme

Resolution 48-7

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: ISO/IEC 8652:1995, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada, as amended by COR.1:2001. This recommendation is made with the understanding that WG9 is currently prepared an amendment to the standard with completion expected during 2006.

[Discussion] [Agenda]


Resolution 48-10:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to Ada-Europe for their gracious accommodations in hosting Meeting #48.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 48-11

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to [TBD] for serving as Secretary of Meeting #48.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 48-12:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to Clyde Roby for his continuing service in maintaining the WG9 Web Page.

[Discussion] [Agenda]


The meeting is expected to end during the early evening. It is the convener's intention to recess the meeting subject to his call. HODs may anticipate email ballots to be conducted during the months between this meeting and the next one.



WG9 Documents

N388, Request for Subdivision of Project ISO/IEC 8652:1995

N389, Minutes, Meeting #40 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 18 May 2001, Leuven, Belgium

N400Minutes, Meeting #41 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 5 October 2001, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA

N404Working Draft, Revision of ISO/IEC 13813

N405, Recommendation on ISO/IEC 13813 from the UK

N406, Procedures of the Ada Rapporteur Group

N409r, Minutes, Meeting #42, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 21 June 2002, Vienna, Austria

N412, Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652, 10 October 2002

N414, Notification of Approval of Category C Liaisons between SC 22/WG 9 and Ada-Europe and SIGAda

N416, Charter of the Annex H Rapporteur Group (HRG)

N417, Charter of the ASIS Rapporteur Group (ASISRG)

N418, Minutes, Meeting #43, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 13 December 2002, Houston, Texas, USA

N419, SIGAda's Approach to the Management of Ada Bindings to Application Program Interfaces (APIs), Clyde Roby, SIGAda, Presented to ISO/WG9, December 13, 2002

N423, Convener's Comments on Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652, December 2002

N424, University of York Technical Report YCS-2003-348, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

N426, Proposed New Work Item, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in High-Integrity Systems

N428r, DRAFT Minutes, Meeting #44 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, 20 June 2003, Toulouse, France

N434, Minutes, Meeting #45 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 12 December 2003, San Diego, California, USA

N435, Draft for PDTR Approval Ballot, ISO/IEC TR 24718, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems, 14 Feb 2004

N437, ARG Rapporteur's Proposal for Defining Scope of Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995, 9 April 2004

N439r, Convener's Report, 2004, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 (Ada)

N440, Minutes, Meeting #46 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 18 June 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

N441, SC22 N3758, WG9 Request for National Body Contributions on Implementation of Coded Character Sets in Ada (text document),

N442, Draft submitted for DTR Approval Ballot, ISO/IEC TR 24718, Guide for the use of the Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems, 20 July 2004 (PDF file, 626 KBytes)

N443, Announcement and Draft Agenda, Meeting #47 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Thursday, 18 November 2004 Atlanta, Georgia, USA

N444, Meeting Report: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22, 6-10 September 2004, Jeju, Republic of Korea

N445, DRAFT Explanatory Report re SC22 Resolution 04-15

N446, Draft Detailed Agenda, Meeting #47 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Thursday, 18 November 2004, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

N447, Explanatory Report re SC22 Resolution 04-15 (PDF file, 132 KBytes)

N448, Minutes, Meeting #47 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 18 November 2004, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

N449, Announcement and Draft Agenda, Meeting #48 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 24 June 2005, York, UK (text document)

External Web Sites

ISO Web Site:

ITTF Web site of publicly available standards: (Click on "Proceed to Public Areas". No username or password is required.)

JTC1 Web Site:

SC22 Web Site:

WG9 Web Site:

SC22 High Integrity Ad Hoc Group Web Site:

ACAA Web Site:

ACAA Web Site for ARG Minutes:

ACAA Web Site for AIs:

ACAA Web Site for Amendment:

Ada-Europe Web Site:

Ada-Europe 2005 Conference Web Site:

SIGAda Web Site:

SIGAda 2004 Conference Web Site:


End of Document