Draft 6, 16 June 2004, Jim Moore

Draft Detailed Agenda
Meeting #46 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9
Friday, 18 June 2004
Palma de Mallorca, Spain

The next meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 will colocate with the Ada-Europe conference. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am on Friday, 18 June 2004 in the Zeus room of the conference hotel and may run into the afternoon. I am expecting that a data projector will be provided for the meeting. I expect that refreshments will be provided although I'm not sure whether it will be in our room or in some general area. If we break for lunch, the cost will be the responsibility of each participant. I am advised that tickets for lunch at the hotel can be purchased from the conference organizers for the price of 43 euros.

Conference and venue information can be found at the conference web site.

The announcement and preliminary agenda for this meeting were circulated as N436.



Detailed Agenda Items

Opening Orders, Jim Moore, Convener

Call to Order

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am.

Welcoming Remarks by Host

Appointment of Meeting Secretary

We need a volunteer to serve as meeting Secretary.

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes of Meeting #45

Background The draft minutes of Meeting #45 are recorded in document N434.
Resolution [Resolution 46-1]


National Body Introductions and Reports


National Body Representatives:

Belgium Dirk Craeynest (HOD)
Canada  (Steve Michell is unable to attend)
France Jean-Pierre Rosen (HOD), Pascal Leroy Report
Germany Erhard Ploedereder (HOD), Andreas Schwald
Italy Tullio Vardanega (HOD) Report
Japan Kiyoshi Ishihata (HOD)
Russia (Sergey Rybin is unable to attend)
Switzerland (Urs Mauer is unable to attend)
UK John Barnes (HOD), Alan Burns Report
USA Joyce Tokar (HOD), Randy Brukardt

Liaison Representatives

Ada-Europe Erhard Ploedereder
SIGAda Currie Colket

WG9 Officers:

Convener Jim Moore
Webmaster (Clyde Roby is unable to attend)
ARG Rapporteur Pascal Leroy
ASIS RG Rapporteur Currie Colket
HRG Rapporteur Alan Burns
Project Editors
ISO/IEC 8652: Erhard Ploedereder, Randy Brukardt, and Pascal Leroy
ISO/IEC 13813 and 13814: (Don Sando, Jon Squire and Ken Dritz are unable to attend)
ISO/IEC 15291: (Clyde Roby and Greg Gicca are unable to attend)
ISO/IEC TR 15942: (Brian Wichman is unable to attend)
ISO/IEC 18009: Erhard Ploedereder

Other Attendees:


Those sending regrets include:  Steve Michell (Canada), Clyde Roby (Webmaster), Jon Squire (Editor), Robert Dewar (US), Tucker Taft (US), Urs Mauer (Switzerland)

HOD Reports:


Email from HOD France, Jean-Pierre Rosen, 7 June 2004:

AFNOR Ada group met on 2004-05-13. Apart from usual administrative matters, the meeting was devoted to the discussion of the AIs to be proposed to WG9. The group agreed with all proposed AIs; an editorial comment was made about AI286 and sent to the ARG.


Email from HOD Italy, Tullio Vardanega, 24 May 2004:

I have further deferred the issue of reconstituing Ada-Italy and have referred those individuals and / or enterprises who contacted me in that regard (and some actually did) to considering direct and / or corporate membership in Ada-Europe. 


Email from HOD UK, John Barnes, 8 June 2004:

The UK Ada Panel has met once since the previous WG9 meeting. There is general approval with the way in which Ada 2005 is shaping up.

A presentation to major Ada users within one industry sector revealed strong interest in the solution to the mutual types problem and the standard packages for containers and vectors and matrices.


Liaison Reports

Report of Ada-Europe Liaison Representative, Erhard Ploedereder

Background Ada-Europe is a Category C Liaison to WG9 [See N414]


Report of SIGAda Liaison Representative, Currie Colket

Background SIGAda is a Category C Liaison to WG9 [See N414]
Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #43 [N418]:

Clyde Roby made a presentation on a method to deal with APIs. Clyde's presentation will be posted on the WG9 web site as N419.

There were some comments regarding the assurance that SIGAda has the proper rights to republish the artifacts. Erhard noted that an API may be an Ada binding to an implementation in another language or a standalone Ada implementation. Jim noted that "Stamp of Approval" concept might lead to anti-trust problems. "Choosing or Judging" would be an antitrust problem. This should be done under WG9 auspices.

Erhard noted that there should be a long-term program to collect APIs; and a short-term program to select some APIs into Ada 200Y. Make sure that this is clear to participants. Only a few will be selected for the Ada Amendment.

From Minutes of Meeting #44 [N428]:

Clyde Roby reported on the formation of a SIGAda API WG at WG9's last meeting. This work is proceeding. Information has been posted to a web page. Material from previous groups is being gathered. They are starting work on CGI and XML interfaces. XML seems to be active also. Some issues remain regarding licensing. API WG will be formally approved soon.

SIGAda is looking at an organization to provide comments on WG9 documents. They should collaborate with the convener and the Ada-Europe liaison representative on a procedure for doing this. Comments must be vetted and formed into a consistent position. It was noted that comments on technical documents are generally unwelcome at the WG9 level and should be submitted at the Rapporteur Group level. The convener suggested that the liaison organizations might want to designate formal representatives to the RGs.

From Minutes of Meeting #45 [N434]:

Clyde Roby (SIGAda APIWG Chair): There was a meeting of the APIWG. One of the major subjects was the method for progressing APIs toward standardization. There is a desire to develop the APIs outside the standardization groups so that they can be developed quickly and then transpose them into the standardization process, perhaps as TRs. There may be something to submit by summer.

SIGAda Representative: We had previously mentioned that AIs might be circulated to the liaisons for review. SIGAda is ready to receive them when appropriate.



Convener's Report


Reconsideration of JTC1 Confirmation of ISO/IEC 13814

Every year, JTC1 reviews its work programme, notably those standards approved five years prior, hence requiring action to confirm, revise or withdraw. In advance of this consideration, WG9 is required to make a recommendation that is forwarded to SC22 for endorsement. Normally, SC22 endorses our recommendations, JTC1 approves them and ISO Central Secretariat implements them. The process is lengthy but normally routine. This year, however, JTC1 voted to confirm ISO/IEC 13814 rather than withdraw it as requested by WG9 and SC22. The SC22 Secretariat conducted a letter ballot authorizing it to request that JTC1 reconsider its action. Accordingly, the request was sent to JTC1 and JTC1 has responded by circulating a letter ballot (J1N7405) to withdraw the standard. The ballot ends 22 June 2004.

The problem would not have occurred if two National Bodies represented in WG9 had not voted to confirm at the JTC1 level after voting to withdraw at the WG9 and SC22 levels. This underscores the importance of WG9 delegates remaining in touch with their national bodies.

Format of Ravenscar Guide

The JTC1 Secretariat has informally advised the SC22 Secretariat that the University of York report that forms the body of PDTR 24718, Ravenscar Guide, must be re-drafted into the ISO document formal prior to DTR balloting. I have asked ISO Central Secretariat for a position on this matter. Redrafting has both good and bad features. Obviously, it requires work from the document editor, but it would serve to reinforce the position that the ISO document is distinct from the freely available York report. The most recent response from Central Secretariat advises that the Ravenscar report, as is, may be packaged as Clause 4 of a format that includes boilerplate for the first three clauses.

Upcoming SC22 Plenary Meeting

The next plenary meeting of SC22 is in Korea. The expense to travel there is high and our business for the meeting is slight. Therefore, I have decided not to attend. If any member of WG9 wishes to represent WG9 at this meeting, I am willing to confer with him or her on the subject.

Moving forward with the Amendment

The ARG is proceeding with the preparation of the Amendment to the Ada Language Standard in accordance with the instructions previously provided by WG9. As directed by those instructions, the ARG Rapporteur has submitted a document providing a statement of scope which will be considered at this meeting.

It is important to note that approval of the scope does not imply approval of all of the AIs which contribute to the document. Time is short, though, because the ARG is scheduled to begin circulating informal drafts of the Amendment for comment soon after this meeting. Furthermore, they are requested to complete a final draft by Spring of next year.

For that reason, it is important that outstanding issues be quickly resolved. Therefore, I am preparing for the following possibilities:

  1. AIs might be approved by the ARG but would need approval by WG9 prior to the next meeting.
  2. The ARG might not be able to reach agreement on an AI recommendation for WG9 soon enough to permit timely drafting of the amendment.

In both cases, I will conduct email ballots of WG9 to reach a decision. In the second case, I will invite contending parties to submit proposals to WG9. An email ballot will choose among the proposals -- without change.

This approach is necessary to move forward in preparing the Amendment on the agreed schedule.



Summary of Action Items and Unimplemented Resolutions

This is the "To Do" list for WG9. Some are informal action items assigned to various participants. Some are formal resolutions, which are not yet implemented. Some are suspense items awaiting action by other groups.

Resolution 40-6

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Generic packages of real and complex type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and matrix types) 

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be withdrawn when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13814:1998 Generic package of complex elementary functions for Ada 

For status, see: [Project Editor Maintenance Report, 13813]

Resolution 42-7

WG9 receives N405, Recommendation on ISO/IEC 13813 from the UK, and N404, Project Editor's Proposal of a Revised ISO/IEC 13813. To consider the recommendations of the UK:

  • The ARG is requested to prepare its recommendation regarding the appropriate packaging for the revised content of the standard. Alternatives to be considered include (but are not limited to) revision of ISO/IEC 13813, incorporation into an amended or revised ISO/IEC 8652, publication as a Technical Report, and publication external to ISO.
  • The convener is directed to circulate email ballots in WG9 to consider and implement any recommendations of the ARG.

For status, see [ Report of Ada Rapporteur Group ]

Action Item 43-1: 

(Convener): Forward a request to the ARG that it prepare a description of technical alternatives addressing the interaction of constrained access subtype and general access types. It is requested that the description include a discussion of tradeoffs among the proposed solutions. It is requested that this description be provided for the June 2003 meeting of WG9.

Status: CLOSED at Meeting #45.

Resolution 44-5:

WG9 authorizes the convener to forward N426 (with editorial corrections) to SC22 for approval as a New Work Item. The convener is also authorized to attach N424 (with editorial corrections) to the NP with a request for concurrent registration as a PDTR.

Status: CLOSED. The NP was approved and the document was registered.

Resolution 44-6:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor

For status, see [ Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 18009 ]

Resolution 44-7:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS)

For status, see [ Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 15291 ]

Action Item 45-1: 

(ARG Rapporteur): When the list of AIs describing the scope of the amendment is circulated for comment, the ARG Rapporteur will also provide a short document explaining how the various AIs relate to each other. 

Status: CLOSED. ARG Rapporteur has provided document [N437].

Resolution 45-5: 

WG9 delegates to its HRG the authority to perform comment disposition on the New Work Item proposal ballot for the Ravenscar Guide as well as its PDTR registration ballot, and to revise the draft document appropriately. The convener of WG9 is authorized to review the comment disposition, determine if consensus has been achieved on the disposition of the comments and the revision of the document, and forward the resulting draft for PDTR approval balloting. 

Status: CLOSED. Convener performed the directed actions. In error, the new SC22 Secretariat initially forwarded the document for DTR ballot, but quickly corrected the error. PDTR balloting is due to close on 11 June 2004.

Resolution 45-6: 

WG9 endorses the use of Technical Reports, International Workshop Agreements, or other light-weight documents to record and publish agreements on API definitions, while retaining the possibility for eventual international standardization. The ARG is requested to nominate AIs to be treated in this manner. 

For status, see [ Report of Ada Rapporteur Group ]


Scheduling of Meetings


Meeting #47 was scheduled by Resolution 45-3 [see N434] to be "in conjunction with the SIGAda 2004 conference, 14:00, Thursday, 18 November 2004, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA."

Following the usual practice, Meeting #48 would be scheduled to be collocated with the 2005 Ada-Europe conference (York, UK, 20-24 June 2005) and Meeting #49 would be scheduled to be collocated with the 2005 SIGAda conference.

Resolution [Resolution 46-3


Report of Ada Rapporteur Group, Pascal Leroy (Rapporteur)


WG9 N406: Procedures of the ARG

WG9 N412: Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652.

WG9 N423: Convener's Comments on Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652

WG9 N437: ARG Rapporteur’s Proposal for Defining Scope of Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995

Resolution 44-4 of N428: The convener directs the chair of the ARG to send the list of AIs intended for submission to WG9 to NB and liaison representatives at the time they enter the 'editorial review' state. It would then be the duty of each NB and liaison representative to circulate this information within their own organization for the purpose of developing a position for the forthcoming meeting of WG9.

SC22 Resolution 02-24: Recommendation on Coded Character Sets Support:
JTC 1/SC 22 believes that programming languages should offer the appropriate support for ISO/IEC 10646, and the Unicode character set where appropriate.

Open Item
Resolution 42-7

WG9 receives N405, Recommendation on ISO/IEC 13813 from the UK, and N404, Project Editor's Proposal of a Revised ISO/IEC 13813. To consider the recommendations of the UK:

  • The ARG is requested to prepare its recommendation regarding the appropriate packaging for the revised content of the standard. Alternatives to be considered include (but are not limited to) revision of ISO/IEC 13813, incorporation into an amended or revised ISO/IEC 8652, publication as a Technical Report, and publication external to ISO.
  • The convener is directed to circulate email ballots in WG9 to consider and implement any recommendations of the ARG.

Status: OPEN.

Open Item

Resolution 45-6:

WG9 endorses the use of Technical Reports, International Workshop Agreements, or other light-weight documents to record and publish agreements on API definitions, while retaining the possibility for eventual international standardization. The ARG is requested to nominate AIs to be treated in this manner. 

Status: OPEN.


Email from Pascal Leroy, 2 June 2004:

The ARG met in San Diego, CA, USA, in December and in Phoenix, AZ, USA, in March. As is customary, the meetings were mostly devoted to amendment AIs. A number of the key amendments (e.g., mutually dependent types, interfaces, improvements related to access types) are now ready for consideration by WG9.

At its San Diego meeting, WG9 considered the best way to proceed with standardization of APIs, and recommended the use of Technical Reports or International Workshop Agreements to reach agreement on APIs (see resolution 45-6).

As a consequence of this recommendation, the ARG discussed the applicability of such a light-weight process to AI95-00302-01 and -02 (Container library), an amendment which had been around for some time and for which a consensus was hard to find. However, after much discussion the ARG concluded that starting an alternative standardization process would send the wrong message to the Ada community, and that secondary standards have not been very successful in the past. In order to give this AI another chance without wasting ARG time, a subcommitee was created and tasked to look at the various proposals and come up with a recommendation to the ARG.

Before the Phoenix meeting the subcommitee presented its report to the ARG: it had constructed out of the competing proposals a new AI that was small enough that it could be included in the Amendment, and still functional enough that it could cover most user needs. This AI was extensively discussed at the Phoenix meeting (the ARG spent one full day on it) and a consensus was finally reached. So at this point it appears that AI95-00302-03 will likely be part of the Amendment, and that there is no need to start an alternative standardization process.

At the Phoenix meeting, the ARG also reviewed so-called "dormant" AIs, i.e., AIs that were still open, but had not been worked on for a long time. There was a long list of these AIs. Many of them were voted "No Action", some of them were approved, a few were reactivated. This review was necessary to ensure that no important topic was unwittingly left out of the Amendment.

At the San Diego meeting, the ARG had a long discussion of AI95-00285 (Support for 16-bit and 32-bit characters) but couldn't reach a conclusion. It was decided to ask WG9 for guidance. To put things in perspective, here is the history of this AI:

1 - AI95-00285 was prepared in 2002 based on two user requests (posted on ada-comment): one was to add support for Latin-9; the other was to add support for 32-bit characters (Wide_Wide_Characters) at execution.

2 - The first discussion of this AI took place at the Bedford meeting (October 2002). Regarding support for 32-bit characters, the minutes state that "we agreed that [writing character literals of Wide_Wide_Character in Ada source] should be allowed" and they note "that there is a push in SC22 to allow full wide characters in identifiers". Regarding support for Latin-9, some members found "that ... it is weird to treat a Latin-1 character as if it is Latin-9".

3 - At the Padua meeting (February 2003), the AI author argued that "Latin-9 is not widely used" and proposed "that we ... simply go to 16-bit source code". A number a technical issues (character classification and case folding rules, in particular) were discussed, and it was noted that "the Unicode people have rules that we could follow". The intent of the proposal (do not support Latin-9, support 32-bit characters in the source and at execution) was unanimously approved.

4 - At the Toulouse meeting (June 2003), some members mentioned that the current write-up was perhaps not acceptable to their SC22 delegation. During the summer of 2003 a number of issues were discussed by email. Most of them were of a technical nature (e.g., characters allowed in numeric literals, normalization forms, etc.). However, a significant non-technical issue was raised in this discussion: referencing Unicode, which is not an ISO standard, in the Amendment was considered problematic by some members.

6 - At the Sydney meeting (October 2003), the Rapporteur presented to the group the essence of the email exchange that had taken place during the summer. The minutes explain that some countries "won't allow reference to Unicode in the standard ... However, 10646 says very little about upper/lower case, character classification, etc. ... Our options: just drop improved character support ... or do it with Unicode ... We decided to go ahead using Unicode."

7 - At the San Diego meeting (December 2003), the technical issues raised by the email discussion were addressed and resolved. The issue of referencing Unicode was still very controversial. The AI as presented at that meeting "tried to use ISO 10646". Because ISO 10646 does contain references to Unicode (both in normative text and in non-normative text), this was effectively providing a means to use the character classification and case-folding rules described by Unicode. Some members were unhappy with this state of affair, though, and proposed to use TR 10176 instead because "this report gives the international agreement for character sets". Unfortunately, "it doesn’t cover things like case conversion". After an inconclusive discussion, the minutes note that "we have to reference 10646 for the upper case; the open question is to reference 10176 to composition of identifiers or 10646+Unicode recommendation. WG9 needs to decide that; both have problems from our perspective".

As directed by WG9, the Rapporteur has prepared a document presenting the scope of the Amendment. In general, the AIs mentioned in this document either have either been approved by WG9 or are very close to approval. However, some of them still require technical refinement before the ARG can decide whether to include them in the Amendment. Others are controversial. In both cases, the AIs have been included in the scope document with the understanding that this inclusion is provisional.

The ARG has its "usual" motion for the June meeting for approval of a series of AIs. See the list below. A pointer to retrieve the AIs is included.

The Rapporteur proposes the following list of members for the ARG: Baird, Baker, Barnes, Brukardt, Burns, Dewar, Dismukes, Duff, Ishihata, Leroy, Michell, Ploedereder, Rosen, Schonberg, Taft, Tokar.

The cited AIs can be retrieved from the ACAA Web Site for AIs:

Amendment AIs:

AI95-00217-06/08 2004-05-21 -- Limited With Clauses
AI95-00230-01/12 2004-05-24 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
AI95-00231-01/09 2004-05-24 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
AI95-00251-01/13 2004-05-27 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
AI95-00254-01/08 2004-05-24 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
AI95-00296-01/09 2004-05-24 -- Vector and matrix operations
AI95-00298-01/05 2004-05-24 -- Non-Preemptive Dispatching
AI95-00301-01/08 2004-05-25 -- Operations on language-defined string types
AI95-00326-01/07 2004-05-25 -- Incomplete types
AI95-00329-01/05 2004-05-25 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
AI95-00340-01/03 2004-01-13 -- Mod attribute
AI95-00348-01/07 2004-05-27 -- Null procedures
AI95-00351-01/05 2004-05-27 -- Time operations
AI95-00361-01/03 2004-05-27 -- Raise with message

Normal AIs.

AI95-00148-01/03 2004-05-21 -- Requeue of protected entry calls
AI95-00200-01/03 2004-05-21 -- Generic formal subprograms as dispatching operations
AI95-00209-01/04 2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?

AI95-00245-01/03 2004-05-24 -- Consistency of inlined calls
AI95-00360-01/05 2004-05-27 -- Types that need finalization

Email from Pascal Leroy, 7 June 2004:

Following the comment from France about AI 286, the Rapporteur has decided to withdraw this AI from the list submitted to WG9 for approval at the upcoming meeting. This AI will be sent back to the ARG in order to study the French proposal.

Resolutions [ Resolution 46-2 ] [ Resolution 46-7 ] [ Resolution 46-8 ] [ Resolution 46-9 ]


Report of ASIS Rapporteur Group, Currie Colket (Rapporteur)

Background WG9 N417: Charter of the ASIS Rapporteur Group (ASISRG)
Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #41 [N400]:

ASIS RG is considering the preparation of a New Work Item Proposal to revise and extend ASIS to keep pace with Ada 2005. The ASIS RG may reconsider some of the design goals for the specification.

From Minutes of Meeting #42 [N409r]:

Currie Colket reported that the ASIS RG has begun planning for the development of amendments to the ASIS standard in coordination with the planned amendment to the Ada standard. Steve Blake cannot continue as project editor; however, he has agreed to continue serving until a replacement is found.

From Minutes of Meeting #45 [N434]:

Greg Gicca was nominated as co-editor of ISO/IEC 15291.



Report of Annex H Rapporteur Group, Alan Burns (Rapporteur)

Background WG9 N416, Charter of the HRG
Open Item

Resolution 45-5:

WG9 delegates to its HRG the authority to perform comment disposition on the New Work Item proposal ballot for the Ravenscar Guide as well as its PDTR registration ballot, and to revise the draft document appropriately. The convener of WG9 is authorized to review the comment disposition, determine if consensus has been achieved on the disposition of the comments and the revision of the document, and forward the resulting draft for PDTR approval balloting. 

Status: CLOSED. The HRG and the convener performed the directed actions. In error, the new SC22 Secretariat initially forwarded the document for DTR ballot, but quickly corrected the error. PDTR balloting is due to close on 11 June 2004.

Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #40, [N389]:

The HRG ... discussed the continuing role of Annex H of ISO/IEC 8652. They discussed the desirability of changing its title to High-Integrity rather than Safety and Security. The HRG might recommend that the fourth section of Annex H should be reworked to better fit with the recently completed TR 15942. They also considered tracking the usage of relevant pragmas implemented by various vendors. 

It is understood that the HRG may work with the University of York or other institutions in obtaining material that might be incorporated into a Technical Report. 

From Minutes of Meeting #43 [N418]:

HRG met in October and finalized the Ravenscar Guide. We await WG9 acceptance of Ravenscar AIs to complete our Guide. This will then be published as a University of York report and offered to WG9 as a Technical Report.

The procedure for treating the NWIP will be to attach the draft report to the NWIP and ask for immediate PDTR Registration.

Email from Alan Burns, 15 May 2003:

Now that the Ravenscar report has been completed and `published' by York [N424], I guess we would still like it to become an ISO technical report.

I think, going on what you said before, this needs a new work item [N426].

From Minutes of Meeting #44 [N428]:

The HRG met in October at York University. A paper regarding guidelines for the use of the Ravenscar profile was published. It will be submitted to be processed as an ISO/IEC Technical Report.

The HRG met again on June 16 to discuss possible changes to Annex H. It concluded that the title of the annex should be changed from "Safety and Security" to "High Integrity Systems."

The HRG Rapporteur was asked to summarize why the title should be changed. He replied that "High Integrity" has become the accepted name for this category of issues; there is nothing in the annex related to security; and the current contents are broader than safety. Feedback on the proposed name change was favorable. The HRG will submit an AI to change the name.

The Convener noted that the draft Technical Report will be attached to the New Work Item for concurrent PDTR registration. The New Work Item calls for a Type 3 Technical Report -- a document that is inherently unsuited for standardization.

It was noted that any typographical errors in the Report should be fixed prior to submission.

From Minutes of Meeting #45 [N434]:

So far, there have been no suggestions for substantive change in the report providing guidance on the usage of Ravenscar. If no comments come from the ongoing concurrent NP and PDTR registration ballots, then the document will be forwarded as is for PDTR approval ballot [N435].

SC22 N3724, SC22 Secretariat, 11 March 2004:

Letter Ballot for Approval of PDTR 24718, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

DUE DATE: 2004-06-11


Email from HRG Rapporteur, Alan Burns, 24 May 2004:

HRG has submitted its report on Ravenscar to WG9 for processing, and await the outcome of the various votes required for the report to become an ISO document.

Resolutions [Resolution 46-5]


Project Editor Maintenance Reports


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 8652

Document Status

ISO/IEC 8652:1995 Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada, 22.10.01, Randy Brukardt and Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.

ISO/IEC 8652:1995/COR.1:2001, Technical Corrigendum to Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada, 22.10.01, Randy Brukardt and Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.

Project Status

Working Draft, 8652:1995/AMD.1, Randy Brukardt and Pascal Leroy, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group

The request for subdivision [N388] of Project 22.10.01 was endorsed by WG9 Resolution 40-7 [N389], and approved by SC22 N3310 on 2001-09-12.

Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #43 [N418]:

Draft 3 of the Amendment document is available at the ACAA Web Site. This document includes all of the AIs approved by the ARG as of the Bedford meeting; thus it is a snapshot of a work-in-progress rather than a finished document in any way.

Work on the accompanying integrated Ada Reference Manual is proceeding slowly due to a lack of funding. Some work has been accomplished, but much more remains to be done. At this time, priority is being given to developing the proposals over editorial presentation of them.

From Minutes of Meeting #44 [N428]:

Another draft of the amendment was posted in March. The content includes anything approved by the ARG (even if not yet approved by WG9.) There have been no updates to the ARM because of lack of funding. It is important to do this to make sure that there are no errors in integrating the amendment into the base standard. When the Corrigendum was developed, some errors were discovered at this stage.

There was some discussion of the advisability of updating the rationale. Leroy suggested that books may be more useful to end users than the rationale. Taft suggested that we may not have to produce as many products for end users -- perhaps some existing paper and other products could be combined. A web site might the appropriate vehicle.

Ploedereder suggested that individual rationale articles, devoted to specific issues, could be published in the Ada Journal. They could then be collected in a book.

The schedule for the amendment includes: WG9 approval of scope in spring 2004 and approval of the wording of the amendment in spring 2005.

From Minutes of Meeting #45 [N434]:

Regarding the schedule for the amendment, the ARG Rapporteur said that the ARG will distribute a list of AIs, probably in the spring of 2004, so that they can be approved at the June 2004 meeting of WG9.

Pascal is willing to take an action item to prepare a short document explaining how the AIs relate to one another.

Report No report


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 13813 and 13814

Document Status

ISO/IEC 13813:1998, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Generic Packages of Real and Complex Type Declarations and Basic Operations for Ada (including Vector and Matrix Types), 22.10.04, Don Sando and Ken Dritz, Project Editors

The standard addresses the Ada 87 language. WG9 plans to incorporate the substance of this standard in the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995. WG9 has recommended that the 1998 standard be confirmed during the period while the Amendment is under preparation.

ISO/IEC 13814:1998, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Generic Package of Complex Elementary Functions for Ada, 22.10.05, Jon Squire and Ken Dritz, Project Editors

WG9 has voted to withdraw this standard by year-end 2004. (The action awaits approval by JTC1.) The standard addressed the Ada 87 language and is effectively replaced by the 1995 language standard.

Open Items
Resolution 40-6:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Generic packages of real and complex type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and matrix types) 

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be withdrawn when it reaches the end of its five-year review period: 

  • ISO/IEC 13814:1998 Generic package of complex elementary functions for Ada 

Status: OPEN. The recommendations above were endorsed by SC22 Resolution 01-07 at their September 2001 plenary meeting. They have been forwarded to JTC1 for approval (during 2003) and implementation by ITTF (during 2004). This year, however, JTC1 voted to confirm ISO/IEC 13814 rather than withdraw it as requested by WG9 and SC22. The SC22 Secretariat conducted a letter ballot authorizing it to request that JTC1 reconsider its action. Accordingly, the request was sent to JTC1 and JTC1 has responded by circulating a letter ballot (J1N7405) to withdraw the standard. The ballot ends 22 June 2004.

Report None.


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 15291

Document Status ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS), 22.15291, Steve Blake and Clyde Roby, Project Editors, supported by the ASIS Rapporteur Group.
Open Item

Resolution 45-7:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 15291:1999, Information Technology--Programming Languages--Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS)

Status: SC22 endorsed this recommendation at its September 2003 plenary. The request has been forwarded to JTC1.

Prior Discussion

From Minutes of Meeting #44 [N428]:

It was decided to confirm the standard for now although eventual revision is desired. It was reported that Clyde Roby is willing to remain as co-editor.

From Minutes of Meeting #45 [N434]:

Greg Gicca was nominated by the ASIS RG and by WG9 to replace Steve Blake as project editor.

Email from Convener to SC22 Secretariat, 19 December 2003:

SC22/WG9 has nominated Greg Gicca to serve as co-editor of ISO/IEC 15291, replacing Steve Blake. Clyde Roby continues to serve as a co-editor of the project.

Please place this item on the agenda for action by SC22 at its next plenary. Because the next plenary does not occur for nine months, I am advising you that Gicca will replace Blake and serve in an acting capacity beginning immediately.

Gicca's contact information appears below:

Greg Gicca
5040 Shoreham Place
San Diego, CA 92112
Phone: +1.858.457.2700
FAX: +1.603.429.3404
Email: [email protected]



Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC TR 15942

Document Status ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000, Guidance for the Use of Ada in High Integrity Systems, 22.15942, Brian Wichmann, Project Editor, supported by the Annex H Rapporteur Group.


Project Editor Maintenance Report, ISO/IEC 18009

Document Status ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor, 22.18009, Erhard Ploedereder, Project Editors, supported by the Ada Rapporteur Group.
Open Item

Resolution 45-6:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 recommends to SC22 that the following Standard be confirmed when it reaches the end of its five-year review period:

  • ISO/IEC 18009:1999, Conformity Assessment of an Ada Language Processor

Status: SC22 endorsed this recommendation at its September 2003 plenary. The request has been forwarded to JTC1.


Committee of the Whole


Unfinished Business

[The convener knows of no unfinished business.]


New Business

[The convener knows of no items of new business.]


Administrative Actions


We appreciate the comfortable accommodations provided by Ada-Europe. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 46-10]


We appreciate the services of the meeting Secretary. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 46-11]


We appreciate the continuing services of the WG9 Web Master. The resolution expresses WG9's gratitude.

[Resolution 46-12]


According to the JTC1 Directives, Rapporteur Groups serve from meeting to meeting of the parent body. The following resolution continues the existing RGs and appoints their membership until the next meeting of WG9.

[Resolution 46-2]


Review of New Action Items


Final Consideration of Resolutions

[Numbering of resolutions is provisional and will be changed following the meeting.]


Resolution 46-1:

The minutes of Meeting #45 as contained in document N434 are approved.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-2:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 continues its three Rapporteur Groups until the next plenary meeting and expresses its grateful appreciation to the Rapporteurs and members for their continuing service. The following are continued as Rapporteurs:

The membership of the ARG is designated to be: Steve Baird, Ted Baker, John Barnes, Randy Brukardt, Alan Burns, Robert Dewar, Gary Dismukes, Robert Duff, Kiyoshi Ishihata, Pascal Leroy, Steve Michell, Erhard Ploedereder, Jean-Pierre Rosen, Ed Schonberg, Tucker Taft, and Joyce Tokar.

The membership of the ASIS Rapporteur Groups is continued.

The membership of the Annex H Rapporteur Group is continued.

The Convener of WG9 is authorized to act for WG9 between meetings in appointing additional members of Rapporteur Groups. In doing so, he shall consult with the Rapporteur and the National Body or Liaison Organization nominating the member.

Rapporteurs are instructed that they may permit other individuals to observe the deliberations of the Rapporteur Group. The admission of observers and the extent of participation permitted to observers are at the discretion of the Rapporteur with the concurrence of the membership of the Rapporteur Group.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-3:

WG9 confirms the scheduling of Meeting #47 in conjunction with the SIGAda 2004 conference, 14:00, Thursday, 18 November 2004, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

WG9 schedules future meetings as follows:

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Work Programme

Resolution 46-5:

WG9 delegates to its HRG the authority to perform comment disposition on the PDTR approval ballot for ISO/IEC TR 24718, Ravenscar Guide. The convener of WG9 is authorized to review the comment disposition, determine if consensus has been achieved on the comment disposition and document revision, and forward the resulting draft for DTR approval balloting.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-7

WG9 requests its convener to correspond with the chairman of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 to seek a determination of whether the treatment of coded character sets in the planned Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 8652:1995 complies with the guidance provided by SC22 in its Resolution 02-24.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-8

WG9 approves the scope of Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 8652:1995 as defined by N437 and requests the ARG to initiate preparation and circulation of draft text of the Amendment.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-9

WG9 approves the following AIs as written by the ARG, subject to their final editorial correction by the ARG, for incorporation into the planned Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:

AI95-00217-06/08 2004-05-21 -- Limited With Clauses
AI95-00230-01/12 2004-05-24 -- Generalized use of anonymous access types
AI95-00231-01/09 2004-05-24 -- Access-to-constant parameters and null-excluding access subtypes
AI95-00251-01/13 2004-05-27 -- Abstract Interfaces to provide multiple inheritance
AI95-00254-01/08 2004-05-24 -- Anonymous access to subprogram types
AI95-00296-01/09 2004-05-24 -- Vector and matrix operations
AI95-00298-01/05 2004-05-24 -- Non-Preemptive Dispatching
AI95-00301-01/08 2004-05-25 -- Operations on language-defined string types
AI95-00326-01/07 2004-05-25 -- Incomplete types
AI95-00329-01/05 2004-05-25 -- pragma No_Return -- procedures that never return
AI95-00340-01/03 2004-01-13 -- Mod attribute
AI95-00348-01/07 2004-05-27 -- Null procedures
AI95-00351-01/05 2004-05-27 -- Time operations
AI95-00361-01/03 2004-05-27 -- Raise with message

In addition, WG9 approves the following "normal AIs":

AI95-00148-01/03 2004-05-21 -- Requeue of protected entry calls
AI95-00200-01/03 2004-05-21 -- Generic formal subprograms as dispatching operations
AI95-00209-01/04 2004-05-21 -- pragma Reviewable; can objects become uninitialized?

AI95-00245-01/03 2004-05-24 -- Consistency of inlined calls
AI95-00360-01/05 2004-05-27 -- Types that need finalization

[Discussion] [Agenda]


Resolution 46-10:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to Ada-Europe for their gracious accommodations in hosting Meeting #46.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-11

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to <secretary> for serving as Secretary of Meeting #46.

[Discussion] [Agenda]

Resolution 46-12:

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 expresses its grateful appreciation to Clyde Roby for his continuing service in maintaining the WG9 Web Page.

[Discussion] [Agenda]


The meeting is expected to end during the afternoon. It is the convener's intention to recess the meeting subject to his call. HODs may anticipate email ballots to be conducted during the months between this meeting and the next one.



WG9 Documents

N388, Request for Subdivision of Project ISO/IEC 8652:1995

N389, Minutes, Meeting #40 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 18 May 2001, Leuven, Belgium

N400Minutes, Meeting #41 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 5 October 2001, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA

N404Working Draft, Revision of ISO/IEC 13813

N405, Recommendation on ISO/IEC 13813 from the UK

N406, Procedures of the Ada Rapporteur Group

N409r, Minutes, Meeting #42, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 21 June 2002, Vienna, Austria

N412, Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652, 10 October 2002

N414, Notification of Approval of Category C Liaisons between SC 22/WG 9 and Ada-Europe and SIGAda

N416, Charter of the Annex H Rapporteur Group (HRG)

N417, Charter of the ASIS Rapporteur Group (ASISRG)

N418, Minutes, Meeting #43, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 13 December 2002, Houston, Texas, USA

N419, SIGAda's Approach to the Management of Ada Bindings to Application Program Interfaces (APIs), Clyde Roby, SIGAda, Presented to ISO/WG9, December 13, 2002

N423, Convener's Comments on Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652, December 2002

N424, University of York Technical Report YCS-2003-348, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

N426, Proposed New Work Item, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in High-Integrity Systems

N428r, DRAFT Minutes, Meeting #44 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, 20 June 2003, Toulouse, France

N434, Minutes, Meeting #45 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 12 December 2003, San Diego, California, USA

N435, Draft for PDTR Approval Ballot, ISO/IEC TR 24718, Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems, 14 Feb 2004

N436, Announcement and Draft Agenda, Meeting #46 of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Friday, 18 June 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

N437, ARG Rapporteur's Proposal for Defining Scope of Amendment to ISO/IEC 8652:1995, 9 April 2004

External Web Sites

ISO Web Site:

ITTF Web site of publicly available standards: (Click on "Proceed to Public Areas". No username or password is required.)

JTC1 Web Site:

SC22 Web Site:

WG9 Web Site:

ACAA Web Site:

ACAA Web Site for ARG Minutes:

ACAA Web Site for AIs:

ACAA Web Site for Amendment:

Ada-Europe Web Site:

Ada-Europe 2004 Conference Web Site:

SIGAda Web Site:

SIGAda 2003 Conference Web Site:


End of Document