6 June 2002

Request for Establishment of Category C Liaison
between ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 22/WG 9 and the
Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda)


The JTC1 Directives (Part 1) provide that:

" Establishment of liaison should be initiated by a written liaison statement from the requester and confirmed by the receiver. A liaison statement should include:

" ... Category C [liaisons are] organizations which make an effective technical contribution and participate actively at the WG or project level of JTC 1 or its SCs. ... Category C liaisons are proposed by JTC 1 to the ITTF after receiving a recommendation from the appropriate JTC 1 subsidiary body, i.e., an SC (or WG reporting directly to JTC 1) ... Each request for liaison status forwarded to JTC 1 from an appropriate JTC 1 subsidiary body must contain a statement of expected benefits and responsibilities accepted by both the JTC 1 organization and the organization requesting liaison status. ..."

This document is the "written liaison statement" required by sub-clause and the "statement of expected benefits and responsibilities" required by sub-clause

Identification of the Requester


Currie Colket, Chairman of ACM SIGAda
The MITRE Corporation
7515 Colshire Drive
MS W624
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: +1.703.883.7381
Fax: +1.703.883.1339
Email: [email protected]

Reason for Liaison

SIGAda is a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Its 80,000 members make ACM one of the world's premier technical professional organizations related to computing.

With over 560 paid members and access to an additional 900 members of the Ada community, SIGAda is one of the world's largest organizations serving the needs of professionals interested in the Ada language. SIGAda is a powerful resource for the software community's ongoing technical and scientific activities concerning the usage, education, standardization, and implementations of the Ada language and related Ada technologies. Its annual international conference is a major event, not only for Ada specialists, but also for all enthusiasts in modern software topics such as software engineering, process improvement, CASE, object-oriented methods, and software education. It publishes a quarterly journal providing news and technical articles important to the Ada community.

In the past, SIGAda members have played an important, but individual, role in the standardization work of SC22/WG9. For example, ISO/IEC 15291 is largely based upon technical material originally developed by individuals acting under the auspices of SIGAda. SIGAda has also played an important role for Ada language improvements in the areas of performance, real-time, numerics, and distribution.

A category C liaison relationship will permit the exchange of technical materials on a systematic basis permitting WG9 to improve the technical review of its documents and increase their relevancy to the Ada user community and the marketplace.

Type of Liaison

Formal Liaison

" ... Formal liaison is a formal exchange of documents between two organizations for the purpose of keeping each other informed of their work."

Category of Liaison

Category C with JTC 1/SC 22/WG 9

Liaison Representative

Not applicable because formal liaison is requested in accordance with JTC1 Directives (Part 1), sub-clause

Statement of Expected Benefits and Responsibilities

The liaison organization will have the following responsibilities:

  • Designate an individual to serve as the focal point for managing the liaison relationship.
  • Upon request, perform technical review of Working Drafts under development by WG9 and provide the result in the form of a consolidated set of comments.
  • Upon request, perform technical review of draft disposition of comments received on Committee Draft ballots.
  • Upon request, designate individuals to serve as invited participants in Rapporteur Groups and other OWGs of WG9.
  • Individuals designated by SIGAda to participate in the liaison relationship will "pay any meeting and documentation expenses that other participants are required to pay." (JTC1 Directives, Part 1,

SC22/WG9 will have the following responsibilities:

  • Add the designated liaison focal point to any distribution of information regarding meetings and planning.
  • Distribute Working Draft documents to the designated focal point of the liaison organization and receive consolidated commentary for consideration by WG9.
  • Distribute draft disposition of comment material to the designated focal point of the liaison organization and receive consolidated commentary for consideration by WG9.
  • When appropriate, invite the liaison organization to designate individuals to participate in Rapporteur Groups and other OWGs of WG9.
  • On a two-year cycle, determine whether the liaison relationship is working effectively and accordingly report to SC22 for forwarding to JTC1 and ITTF (in accordance with JTC1 Directives, Part1, This responsibility is delegated to the WG9 Convener.

SC22/WG9 will benefit from this arrangement by having more direct access to technical expertise useful in improving the standards that it develops.

The liaison organization will benefit from this arrangement by the ability to provide systematic technical review prior to the enquiry stage of processing.