Doc No: SC22/WG21/N1916 J16/05-0176 Date: 2005-10-02 Project: JTC1.22.32 Reply to: Robert Klarer IBM Canada, Ltd. [email protected]

Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, October 2, 2005

1. Opening and introductions

Sutter called the meeting to order at 18:06(GMT-05:00) on October 2, 2005. Nine countries were represented.

1.1 Welcome from host

Stephen Michell, speaking on behalf of Maurya Software and the Standards Council of Canada, discussed arrangements for this meeting.

1.2 Roll call of technical experts

Name Country HOD?
Pete Becker USA
Steve Clamage USA
Gabriel Dos Reis France Yes
Francis Glassborow UK Yes
Lois Goldthwaite UK
Seiji Hayashida Japan Yes
Howard Hinnant USA
Robert Klarer Canada Yes
Dietmar Kühl Germany Yes
Alisair Meredith UK
Clark Nelson USA Yes
Thorsten Ottosen Denmark Yes
Tana Plauger USA
Tom Plum USA
Keld Simonsen Norway Yes
Nick Stoughton (SC22 Liaison to Austin Group)
Bjarne Stroustrup USA
Herb Sutter (Convenor)
Detlef Vollmann Switzerland Yes

1.3 Adopt agenda

Sutter proposed the following amendments to the agenda (J16/05-0077 = WG21/N1817):
  1. Item 2.1, "Small group status reports" will be deferred to the Monday session.
  2. Item 3.2, "Library TR Status and Planning" will be deferred to the Monday session.
  3. Item 5.7, "Adjournment" will be changed to "Recess."

Amendment 3, above is occasioned by a desire to be more consistent with the concept of the co-location of the WG21 and J16 meetings. Since the WG21 meeting is technically in session throughout the duration of the J16 meeting, it was decided that WG21 does not actually adjourn at the end of the Sunday session.

Furthermore, since WG21 does not adjourn at the end of the Sunday session, it stands to reason that all formal votes conducted for J16 should also be conducted for WG21. In the past, there has been some discussion as to whether WG21 votes should be conducted for such J16 agenda items as the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting, the approval of the agenda, and adjournment. From now on, these items will be subject to WG21 votes.

Agenda adopted as amended by unanimous consent.

1.4 Select drafting committee.

Goldthwaite, Ottosen, and Vollmann were named to the drafting committee.

1.5 Approve minutes from last meeting

Approved by unanimous consent.

1.6 Review action items from previous meeting

Action item for Nelson: review the list of reflector subscribers to identify individuals who no longer qualify for access to the reflectors and ask them if they want to remain subscribers. This item remains open. Nelson will get the subscriber list from Koenig and compare that with the membership list.

2. Status, liaison, and action item reports

2.1 Small group status reports

deferred to Monday session.

2.2 Liaison Reports

2.2.1 SC22 report

Nick Stoughton introduced himself to the committee and reviewed his roles as SC22 liaison to the Austin Group (for Posix) and the SC22 liaison to the FSG.

Sutter reported that a Technical Report on Language Vulnerabilities will be prepared in conjunction with MISRA, the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association. Sutter took an action item to request permission from JTC1 to appoint a liaison to MISRA, consisting of Goldthwaite, Meredith, and Vollmann, noting that the urgency of MISRA's schedule of work demands immediate action by WG21.

2.2.2 SC22/WG14 (C) report

deferred to Monday session

2.2.3 TG5 (C++ CLI) report

deferred to Monday session

3. New Business

3.1 Defect Report procedures

deferred to Monday session.

3.2 Library TR status and planning

deferred to Monday session.

Organize evening sessions

No evening sessions were organized.

4. Review and approve resolutions and issues

5. Closing process

5.1 Establish next agenda

5.2 Future meetings

The next meeting will be located in Berlin during the week of April 1, 2006. Meeting information is already available on the committee website.

The following meeting will take place during the week of October 14, 2006, in Portland, OR. The meeting hosts are Intel and ANSI.

Plum is organizing TG5 Liaison meetings on the Friday afternoon immediately following each of these two meetings. Plum notes that WG21/J16 members can submit comments to TG5 through WG21 itself, or through their National Body. Those members that chose to submit a comment through their NB should ensure that that NB is represented at the TG5 Liaison in Portland.

No host has yet been determined for the spring 2007 meeting.

The fall 2007 may be co-located with SC22. The tentative location for this meeting is Kona, HI.

5.3 Future mailings

deferred to Friday session.

5.4 Review action items

  1. Sutter is to update item 2.1, "Small Group Status Reports," in future agenda to read "deferred to Monday session."
  2. Sutter is to update item 3.2, "Library TR status and planning," in future agenda to read "deferred to Monday session."
  3. Sutter is to change item 5.7, "Adjournment," in future agenda to "Recess."
  4. Sutter is to request permission from JTC1 to appoint a liaison to MISRA.
  5. Nelson is to review the reflector membership lists (see 1.6, above).

5.5 Any other Business

5.6 Thanks to host

5.7 Recess